Jumping on to my treadmill, I press start and crank it to four. Running is exactly what I need to clear my head. It’s hard to work out when I’m alone with Cadence. I’m always afraid I won’t hear her if she needs me. With my playlist streaming through my speakers, I run with no destination in my mind. Scratch that. I’m always running towards Willow. Unfortunately, she seems to run in the opposite direction. Avoiding me at all costs.
When sweat pours down in rivulets over every part of my body, I drop it down to three, slowing my pace. Winding down until I can easily come to a complete stop. Grabbing a towel to wipe down, I shut off the machine. I’m drenched from head to toe and I can already feel the burn in my legs. Reminding me how sore I’ll be in the morning since I don’t do this as often as I should. There was a time when I worked out three times a day. Then Cadence came along and she became my obsession. My addiction. I didn’t need the endorphin rush which comes from working out anymore. Cadence was all I ever needed.
Now I have a new obsession in Willow and it’s far more dangerous.
My heart skips when I open the door and my mom’s standing there. “Shit, you scared me. I thought you were at the pool.”
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you. I was actually going to check on you since you’ve been in there for a few hours.” What? No wonder why my legs feel like rubber. “Cadence has been fed and all tuckered out so she’s napping. Go take a shower and then we need to talk.”
“Is something wrong with her?” I’m ready to bolt up the stairs when she holds up her hand, shaking her head.
“Baby girl is fine. It’s you I’m worried about. You seem distant. Preoccupied. Maybe you should slow down at work.”
“It has nothing to do with work, Mom. That’s a piece of cake. It’s—”
“A woman? I thought so. Go shower and then you can tell me who has you all tied up in knots.”
My mother’s intuition has always been spot on. I swear she can feel the good and bad energy surrounding her. I’ve always had a difficult time hiding anything from her. Believe me, I’ve tried time and time again. She’s always had a sixth sense when it comes to her family. I truly believe that my dad would still be alive if he had taken her advice. It’s something she’s had to come to terms with after his death. Our loved ones don’t always have their priorities straight.
After showering, I throw on some jeans and a t-shirt. Even at home, I feel underdressed without my tie.
She’s busying about the kitchen when I walk in, wiping everything down, making sure Cadence is safe. No germs allowed in this house. This time, it’s my turn to scare her.
“Oh, I didn’t hear you walk in. Sit down.” I begin to protest when she pours me some scotch.
“No thanks. I don’t drink when I’m alone with Cadence.”
“Good to know. You’re not alone, though. I’m here and I have a feeling you’ll need it.” She may be right. I’m a thirty-nine-year-old man with woman problems and I’m about to spill my guts to my mother. Yep, I’ll take that drink thank you very much. “I don’t recall you ever being this broody about someone before. Not even in college. Either she’s someone special or you should run for the hills. Just my honest opinion.”
This is as awkward as it gets. With that said, I value my mother’s opinion. So, here goes. “Her name’s Willow and she’s technically one of my employees.” She frowns ever so slightly, but it doesn’t go undetected. “She’s fifteen years younger than me.”
Now she speaks. “Christ, Caleb. No wonder why you’re acting this way. If something feels wrong it will eat away at you until you make it right. Walk the other way. Now.”
“If only I could. That’s just it. It doesn’t feel wrong, it feels right. It’s complicated and hard to explain. Her very spirit calls to me. Ugh, that sounds so cliché. I’ve had feelings for her since the very first time I laid eyes on her. God, I’m fucking this all up.”
“Okay. Start there. What is it about this particular woman that draws you in?” Good question.
“She’s not like most women. Willow’s selfless, loyal, and courageous.” I leave out the fact that her dad’s a murderer. That would just lead to the whole father-figure thing. The last thing I want is for her to call me Daddy. Not even in the bedroom, that’s not my kink. “She’s always concerned about everyone’s feelings but her own. A true people pleaser.”
“Is it safe to say you’re attracted to her since you think she’d be a loving figure for Cadence?” Possibly. It’s not the only reason, though.
“Not at all. Yes, I do believe that she’d be a perfect companion for Cadence. No doubt in my mind. I feel a deep-rooted connection that was immediate. It was so real, it was as if I’d met her before. Not a déjà vu moment, just a feeling. I don’t expect you to understand. It’s something so hard to explain I don’t even understand it.” Her touch sparks a flame. Her voice echoes my own. Her passion is mine. I don’t speak these words since I don’t understand them myself.
When I hear a sweet voice behind me, I know this conversation is over. Standing up, I walk over to my baby girl and sweep her off her feet. She’s all warm and full of cuddles after her nap. I kiss her neck, cheek, and top of her head—for my own comfort and to check her salt level. She’s good.
“Hi, sweet girl. Would you like a milkshake?” Her little arms are tucked between us and she’s loving her cuddles from her daddy so she just nods. Not wanting to move. Then my mom looks at me with her stern look. “This conversation is far from over.” I’d expect nothing else.
I’ve been kickingmyself in the ass for not taking Caleb up on his offer. Stupid, right? It is, but my god the way that man kisses, I can only imagine what sex would be like with him.
And I could use some of that amazing right now. I have two weeks and nothing but time. Sex would have been such a great diversion, don’t you think? And there’s no doubt in my mind that Caleb would have been the best way to occupy my time.
Since everyone’s gone on vacation, the only thing on my to-do list is buying a damn car. I was going to take Trevor with me, but he decided at the last minute to go to Ireland with his mom and Carol. He’ll be there for the first two weeks so they can settle in, and then he’ll fly home. Leaving the last two weeks for the girls to enjoy. Mrs. C feels safer knowing he’s going to get them settled in.