We lean against the railing overlooking the villa’s breathtaking gardens, sipping our champagne. He’s standing so close to me that our bodies touch. Intentionally, so no one can see that he’s reached for my hand.
“I like spending time with you, Willow, and I’m hoping the feeling’s mutual. I’d like to ask you a question if I may.”
The words, “Of course, anything,” shoot from my mouth before I realize the magnitude of my answer. Damn. I want to take back the ‘anything’ part.
“Do you need to be in love with someone in order to have sex with them?” Did I hear him right? Is he asking me to have sex with him?
Do I? No, I don’t. I proved that hands-down when I hooked up with Jet many times. Before you go wagging your fingers at me, I love him, yes, but that’s not the reason why we had sex. Humans are a needy bunch, and sex is an endorphin rush that needs to be sated from time to time. Unlike animals who just take what’s offered when they’re in heat, humans can refrain if the urge strikes. We chose to give into the temptation and it hasn’t affected our working relationship or friendship. Caleb’s asking me if I can have the same kind of relationship with him. And my answer would be hell yeah. Where do I sign up?
“Sex is sex and has nothing to do with love.” He frowns, not believing a word I said. It’s written all over his face. “Jet and I had sex all the time. He’s with Quinn now and I couldn’t be happier.”
“I’ve seen the both of you interact with each other and there’s no denying the two of you have chemistry. Why didn’t you fight for him?” Oh, here we fucking go again! He reprimanded Beth for judging me and here he is doing the same damn thing.
“I love him, but I’m not in love with him! There’s a big difference. You and I have chemistry but I’m not in love with you!” Ah, I just put him in his place and he looks like I just slapped him.
“Point taken. In my defense, I wouldn’t have approached you if I didn’t think you felt the same way. You can deny it all you want, but I know you feel it too. This connection that we share. My only stipulation would be exclusivity.”
Exclusivity? I don’t want a relationship. I was hoping for sex and a diversion. Did he forget that I’m leaving to go on tour in a few weeks? “Caleb, maybe it’s best if we don’t start something we can’t finish. After all, I’ll be leaving soon and I don’t want to make a commitment that I can’t keep. Being on the road can get quite lonely.”
I immediately feel the loss when he releases my hand. Leaning down he whispers in my ear, “As you wish. It’s a shame, really, since I could have had you coming on my fingers before everyone realized we were missing. Now, you’ll never know.” Damn him! He’s the reason my panties have been damp all day!
Why do I have the feeling I might have just passed on the best sex of my life?
When we hear voices coming closer, we both scatter like the guilty fools that we are. My cheeks are flushed by the time Caleb walks away and Trevor’s gaze meets mine. Crap, he knows something went down between the two of us.
“Care to fill me in on what that was all about?” Never in my life have I had a reason to lie to my cousin, until today.
The way it rolls off my tongue even surprises me.
* * *
That damn girlis going to be the death of me yet! It’s okay to have make out sessions like a bunch of horny teenagers, but when it comes to taking it to the next level, she slams on the brakes. Maybe I was a little crazy with the coming on my fingers bit, but god dammit we’re adults and I don’t see anything wrong with having sex. In fact, it would be in our best interest to see if this attraction would lead anywhere.
Me and my big mouth. Now I’m wondering if she’s going to back out for next weekend. I would be hard pressed to find someone last minute to be a judge, but I’ll worry about that when the time comes. I was looking forward to the weekend and had everything set up with my mom so I wouldn’t worry about Cadence.
Well, in the next few days, I’ll try smoothing things over and see what happens. An apology might be what’s needed, and at this point I’ll do it.
Usually, I’m very persuasive. I’m frustrated because this time around I didn’t get what the hell I wanted. And that’s Willow in my fucking bed, stripped of all clothing and screaming my name when I make her come. Why is it that we always want what we can’t have? Is it the allure of the chase? It’s a possibility, and I’m a man that won’t back down. I’ll give her some space, and then in a few days I’ll find her and ravish her mouth just to prove my damn point.
I need to put that all aside and spend some quality time with Cadence. With everything that’s happened over these last few days, I’ve barely spent any time with her. I wonder if she’s missing me as much as I’m missing her.
Baba must have told her I was coming soon, because the second I walk in she’s wrapped around my legs. “Daddy home.” She’s trying so hard to climb me and I can’t help chuckling. Picking her up, I hold her tight and nuzzle her tiny neck. She giggles, thinking I’m going to tickle her.
“How’s my favorite girl?” I love it when she smiles and points to herself. It’s a game we’ve played for a very long time.
“Me, I favorite?” The sparkle in her eyes as she looks up at me—well, there’s nothing on this earth that can compare. Her unconditional love is all I need to survive.
“Cadence will always be daddy’s favorite little girl.” I give her a few quick pecks on the cheeks and then she wants to get down. She’s a busy girl and there’s always something to distract her. In this case, it’s Baba who walked in the room.
“Hi, Mom. Thanks for the extended babysitting. I appreciate all that you do.” I bend and give her a kiss, too.
“No need to thank me. I love spending time with my granddaughter. Right, sweet girl? We always have so much fun. Well, now that you’re home, I’m going to run. I’ll be back first thing in the morning to make some pancakes for this little one.” She gives Cadence a kiss and squeeze, and we walk her out the door blowing kisses as she pulls out of the driveway.
“You want Daddy to read you a book?” She does look a bit sleepy and I chastise myself for getting back so late. I know it couldn’t be helped. It’s a wedding after all. Maybe if I hadn’t pursued Willow for as long as I did, I could have given her a bath too. God, I do this to myself all the time. Feeling guilty about other women bringing her up when it should be her own mother! It’s best this way, but I dread the day she goes to school and comes home only to ask where her mother is. That’s one conversation I’m not looking forward to.
She’s clinging to me, and it’s one of those sweet moments that I don’t want to end. I’m thinking maybe I could tuck her in my bed for the night. It’s a special treat and I normally only do it when she’s not well, but I’m not ready to let her go yet.