* * *
I’m always on edgewhenever I’m ready to go out on the road. This time around it’s worse, since Jet thinks we’re sharing a room. He hasn’t said as much, but after what we just did to each other, it was implied. I’m not opposed to it, but I’m worried how all the others are going to feel about the room changes. Mainly Willow, since she was my bunk mate for so long. Now she’ll need to get a room for herself because I don’t think she wants to be roomies with Trevor. Especially if they hook up with someone on the tour. Things could get messy. I’ll just need to wait and see how it all plays out.
Pulling into Trevor’s drive is bittersweet. I’m sure after spending time with his mom for two weeks, the last thing he wants to do is leave her again. I don’t blame him—I’d feel the exact same way if it were mine. Thankfully, she has amazing nurses with her around the clock.
Cancer sucks ass!
Everyone’s car is in the driveway except Jet’s. Should I be worried? Is he having second thoughts about what happened with us? If so, I’d rather it be now and not at the end of the tour. Which, if I’m being honest, scares me when I dwell on it for too long. I’ll be touring with another band and Jet will be here working on his next album. For now, I’m just going to enjoy what we have going and not think about the long haul. It’s the only thing that’s going to keep me sane.
I can’t help smiling when I walk in the door. The love and energy in this house is so infectious, it’s like a warm hug every time I walk in. “Hey, Quinn,” Mrs. C says. “Grab a seat and help yourself before these guys eat everything.”
Mrs. C gives me a great big hug before sitting down at the head of the table. She adores having a full house and pampering each and every one of us. My chest aches with the thought that this might be the last time I’m here.
“You okay?” When a warm hand settles on my neck, I instantly know who it is. I didn’t hear Jet come in because I was too lost in my own thoughts.
“I’m great, how about you?” He looks so sad, but then again he always does. Unless he’s buried deep inside of me. Then and only then does he look reborn.
“Doing as well as can be expected.” Ok, what is that supposed to mean? I don’t need to wonder for long when his hand settles on my thigh beneath the table. Something happened. I feel his body humming with just a touch.
Now that everyone’s here, Trevor stands and clicks his spoon against his glass. Immediately, we all quiet to hear what he has to say. “Today, we celebrate. Not only because we’re heading out for the second leg of the tour and the benefit concerts, but because of the most important news of all. Mom, Mrs. C to all of you, is cancer free.” He hugs her so fiercely, I’m afraid she’s going to break. She’s all smiles as everyone gets up to take a turn. This truly is the best news, ever. I’ve no doubt it sets everyone’s mind at ease.
Lucas is yelling, “Speech, speech!” So of course she takes the floor as she wipes her eyes. “All of this wouldn’t have been possible if not for all of you. Each and every one of you is my adopted child, and only because of the love I’ve felt from you am I able to celebrate this wonderful news. So, thank you! Not only for taking care of me, but Trevor too. I love you all to the moon and back a million times ten.”
As always, she made a feast for all of us, so while we stuff our faces with fried chicken, ribs, potato salad, and all the side dishes, we laugh and prepare for what’s ahead. No one really knows what tomorrow may bring, but today we celebrate being alive.
Several hours later, we’re headed to the airport. Jet’s been touchy-feely tonight, and if anyone’s noticed, they’re not mentioning a word. Might be a good thing since Jet’s quiet and I can’t wait to get him alone so I can ask what’s bothering him. Clearly, something is on his mind.
Trevor drove the SUV so we could throw all our luggage in the back. Sometime tomorrow, Carl will pick it up and take it back to his house. The airport would have charged him a bundle to hold it for all those months. I haven’t mentioned anything to them yet, but security’s beefed up since Jet had a stalker last time around. It’s something we should have done from the start. Better to be late than sorry.
The mood’s somber since we all know that we have our work cut out for us over the next few months. I’m sure it will be over before we know it. Something I’m not going to dwell on now or later.
“Heads up before we get on the plane,” Jet says. “Quinn and I are together and we’ll be sharing a room. You guys can toss a coin or do whatever you need to do, but it’s non-negotiable. You might want to call ahead to make sure they have extra rooms.” Well, I think it’s safe to say no one knew because their mouths are hanging open.
“It’s about damn time. I was tired of watching the two of you eye fuck each other all fucking day long. Maybe now Jet’ll be in a better mood since he’s getting laid.” Abby smacks Lucas so hard in the arm, I’m worried he won’t be able to play the guitar. “What, I only said what everyone is thinking, Jeez.”
“Congrats you two! As soon as I can, I’ll call ahead and make different arrangements.” Abby gives Lucas the stink eye as he rubs his arm. These two are a trip. Seriously!
We board the private jet that Caleb chartered for us and settle in. Our first stop is in Connecticut for a two-night concert, and then we’ll do a 360 until the tour’s over. Then we have the charity concerts and unfortunately there’s no rhyme or reason to them. It’s all good, we have access to the jet so we shouldn’t have any problems.
Jet’s been holding my hand since we sat down and I wait until after takeoff before bringing up his melancholy mood. “You’ve been awfully quiet. What gives?” At first, he shrugs like he’s going to blow it off, but something changes his mind.
“I wasn’t going to mention anything and then you told us that you beefed up security. Tell me the reason. I need to know.”
I should have known he’d see right through me. “The Sinful Sevenis taking the world by storm, especially with the announcement that we’re doing the benefit concerts. I want to do everything I can to protect all of us.”
“So it has nothing to do with the crazy guy from the crowd the other day?” Crap, I forgot to mention that.
Ipatiently waitforher answer, and if I’m correct in my suspicion, I’ll give her my truth.
“My gut feeling is you two know each other and it wasn’t a happy reunion, so yes. It’s one of the reasons I asked Caleb to send more security.”
Leaning in, I kiss her pouty lips. It’s not a full make-out session considering we have an audience, but I give her a little tongue. Why? Because I love hearing her moan.