“Touché! How are you feeling?” Without thinking, I cup his cheek. I don’t pull away when I realize how intimate this feels, it would be too obvious. I do love the feel of his five o’clock shadow. So soft, you wouldn’t think.
“Better. Today, I’ll remember to take my meds with me. I have a meeting at eight and then the band has a press conference, remember?” This feels surreal. That’s he’s in my house and we’re talking about the band.
“I remember. I’ll need you to drop me off to grab my car, if you’re up to it.” He looks hopeful and this is huge for me.
“Absolutely, I’ll make us some coffee. Take your time.” This is where we would kiss if we were dating, but we’re not. Does anyone use the word “dating” anymore? Nah, maybe exclusive, hooking up or whatever.
I’m just pouring the coffee into two huge mugs when he joins me. Come to think of it, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him drink coffee. Not like Lucas who’s addicted to the stuff. “I’m not sure how you take it, if at all.” Oh, that smirk on his face could be interpreted as devious and dark.
“I don’t drink it too often, but when I do it’s black. Thanks, hits the spot.” I join him at the island and we sip in silence. How do you thank someone for coming to your rescue? I shudder to think what would have happened if he didn’t.
“Thanks a bunch for doing everything you did yesterday. You went above and beyond and I’m forever grateful that you insisted on staying. You could have easily walked away.”
“I’d never walk away from someone who needs me. Well, maybe one person, but that’s another story for a different day. You’re good people, Quinn. I gave you a lot of shit and I’m sorry, but being on the street has taught me a few things. Who to trust and who not to. You’ve earned my trust and then some.” Well, last time was a kissing moment and this feels like a hug moment. Do they go hand in hand? They sure could, and if it did we wouldn’t leave this house. I feel his magnetism down to the tips of my toes.
I need to clear my throat since I don’t trust my voice. In less than twenty-four hours, we went from enemies to friends. This is one of those moments that will be forever etched in my soul. Weakly, I manage to say, “Thanks, I hope you know I’d do the same for you.”
Staring into the darkness of his coffee, he nods. “Appreciate it more than you’ll ever know.”
This is getting intense so I need to go. “Grab some breakfast, I’m going to get ready.” I practically run into the bathroom. My skin’s flushed at the thought that he’s seen me naked. And his wet briefs left nothing to the imagination. God, that man is addictive.
I take my sweet-ass time in the shower and I swear I can still feel his fingers sliding through my slick folds. Kneading my breasts while his hot breath scorches my skin. I do believe I did come on his talented fingers last night. Sweet Jesus. How can I go to work with him every day and not fantasize about him? Once the water becomes tepid, I step out and towel off. I need to get a grip, otherwise I won’t be able to get any work done today.
I’m floored when I step out and he’s folding the laundry he did yesterday. I could get used to this very easily. “We need to get our stories straight before you drop me off,” he says. “I hate lying to everyone but I don’t know what else to do.”
“I know, and everything I’ve come up with sounds wrong. I’m not opposed to telling them the truth. As long as we skip the part about the puking and you sleeping with me. We could tell them you slept on the sofa in case I needed you.”
“Hey, I’m down for anything. We’ll tell them you had a migraine, I drove you home, and I stayed the night with you. On the couch. Perfect. Okay, you almost ready? It’s seven and you have a drive ahead of you.”
“Let me grab my briefcase and keys and then we’ll get going.” Jet’s already waiting outside when I lock up. He’s leaning on the car door with his face lifted towards the sky.
Silent and moody.
When I press the lock, he slips inside and it’s back to business as usual.
Somethinginside of mesnapped in place after Quinn dropped me off. I have no explanation for the sudden shift, other than spending time taking care of her. It’s the reason I went straight home to shower and change instead of meeting everyone at Trevor’s for breakfast. I hate to blow them off, but I needed to gather my thoughts and figure this one out. Is it possible I’m starting to care about her, or is everything that’s happening related to my mom? Damned if I know, but I promised myself a long time ago I’d never get seriously involved with a woman after what’s happened in my past.
I can’t comprehend how this woman can be my friend and foe at the same time. We’re like two rams butting heads when we’re doing band business, and yet when we’re alone, there’s an attraction that’s indescribable. Part of it is physical, there’s no denying that, because let’s face it, she’s beyond beautiful. It’s the other connection that’s confusing the shit out of me. Maybe it’s because she believes in me, in us as a band, that I find so damn appealing. I don’t know, and the longer I think about it the more confused I become. Maybe I’m just analyzing it way too much.
It doesn’t help that Lucas has been blowing up my phone with tons of messages about yesterday. Not about what went down with Quinn, he has no clue. He’s worried about me running into that piece of shit I met the other day! He’s afraid if I’m left alone, I’ll go after him. I’m not that stupid, especially now that I have so much at stake. No use texting him back since I’ll be seeing him in a few hours for the stupid press conference. I’d have to admit that this is the worst thing about being a musician. I get that my life is supposed to be an open book, hence the reason Lucas created that mock interview about me for Quinn. The fans were none the wiser and that’s exactly what I wanted. It was a win for both Quinn and me.
Now we can put those damn interviews behind us and move on sinceThe Sinful Sevenwas featured in this month’sMusic Report, with said interviews. They were thrilled they had an exclusive and we can tick off another thing that was on our bucket list. I’m loving the fact that over the last few months we’ve been able to do just that. It feels great and it’s only the beginning.
Since I wasted too much time already, I decide to go for a drive before meeting everyone at the press conference. I mentioned to Mack I’d be late getting to work, and he told me to take the day off. Not sure about that but we’ll see how things go after the press conference.
With an hour to kill, I take the Palisades Parkway, kick on cruise control and enjoy the scenic drive. I have a lot of fond memories on this road since it’s the route Mack took me on when he first taught me how to drive. And the same route where I almost killed the both of us when I didn’t use the brakes rounding a curve. I can’t help chuckling when I think about the look on his face once I got the car under control. I swear he peed his pants. I almost shit mine but he didn’t yell at me. In fact, he thanked me for not killing him since he had no clue how I pulled out of it. Looking back, I think I had an angel sitting on my shoulder whispering in my ear, “It’s not your time. You can do it.” Yeah, I feel her presence with me ever since I left the asshole in Connecticut. My mom’s been my guardian angel through it all. Every step of the way. It’s not like a warm hug and a soft kiss on my cheek, but it’s as comforting as it can be until we meet again. Love you, Mom.
Before I get too sentimental, I turn the car around and head back into the city. I’ll only have minutes to spare if the traffic is light and I don’t want my sexy PR agent getting her panties in a bunch if I’m late. Not going to lie, thinking of her panties in a bunch or in a heap on the floor makes my cock throb. Yeah, I saw her fucking naked and it took every ounce of willpower I possess not to touch her the way I wanted. She was sick, but I’m only human and my cock didn’t know any better. Quinn is perfection and I’m just the opposite. I need to stay away before my darkness rubs off on her.
I’m relieved to see Lucas’s car when I pull into the parking lot for the conference. It’s not that I need someone to hold my hand, but there’s strength in numbers. Especially since I hate the media with a passion. It wouldn’t be so bad if they told the truth, but I know how they love twisting everything around to sell a story. I’ve seen it so many times that I lost count. One of the reasons I want to stay under the radar. The second you grab their attention they swoop in like vultures and rip you apart.
Lucas raps on the window before I come to a complete stop. Great way to get hit by a car. “You good?”
I slide out and slam the door behind me. “Yeah, no worries. I told you I’m not going to do something stupid.”