Page 8 of Lucas

Oh, how I want to scream, “So am I,” but I refrain. Her ass is too tempting not to fuck.

In one swift motion, she’s on her knees and I’m on mine directly behind her. She tenses for a split-second until I rub my cock up and down the crack of her ass. I’m not an asshole, so I press the tip against her puckered little opening and when she presses back, I slide right in.

“Oh fuck, yes! You feel so good, Lucas. Mmm, I want more.” So I give her what she wants.

“Darcy, I want you to lie down and suck her pussy while I’m fucking her ass.”

I’m so lost when I glance down and see Darcy wedged between our widened thighs. Nadia’s screams of ecstasy are muffled into the mattress as Darcy’s tongue works her into a frenzy. Not long after, I feel Nadia clamp down around my cock as her orgasm detonates with such force that my cock expands, twitches, and pumps inside of her. Over and over again until my balls are empty.

I never stick around to cuddle or make small talk. Never! Bolting out of bed, I strip off the condom, tie it in a knot, and throw it in the trash. After locking the bathroom door, I turn on the shower and step inside. One hand rests against the cool tiles, while the other wraps around my shaft. I allow the scalding water to cleanse my body and pray that there’s someone out there who can purge my soul.



Dad madeit a point to walk me out to my car after dinner last night. Mom did not. I feel terrible for leaving the way I did, but I don’t want to be the reason they’re fighting. He promised he’d apologize to mom and try to make her understand that it’s my life to do what makes me happy. A confession was on the tip of my tongue when he kissed my cheek, pulling me in for a hug. There’s nothing more comforting than a great big bear hug with the first man you fell in love with. Of course, I cried like a baby all the way home, but I hope that he can get through to her and I can finally put this topic to bed once and for all.

The smell of freshly brewed coffee hits me the moment I walk through Java Joe’s. One reason I love working here—I’m addicted to caffeine. Whether it’s hot, iced, or black. I haven’t met a coffee I didn’t love.

“Hey Abby, the order just arrived. Would you like me to put it away for you?” Sal, my right-hand guy. He’s such a sweetheart.

“Thanks, but I can handle it. I don’t mind putting it away since I can do a tentative order for next week.”

“That’s what I thought. Well, I’m out of here unless you need me to stay.”

“No, go enjoy the grandchildren and I’ll see you tomorrow.” His eyes light up at the mention of his grandbabies, and we spend the next few minutes looking at his new pics. I don’t mind since it brings him so much joy. It’s a constant reminder of why I love this job so much. Since we spend so much time together, we’re like family. When you work ten or twelve hours a day with them, you care about their family and friends.

A few hours later I’ve taken out the trash, put the order away, finished my paperwork, and prepared a new order for next week. I think I deserve a much-needed break. Maybe I should ask the boss. Oh, gee, that would be me.

I’m chuckling as I walk out into the shop and come face-to-face with Loraine. This is the last thing my fragile ego needs today. “Are you here for another frothy latte?”

“Actually, I’d like to file a complaint with the manager.” And here we go. If I were a betting girl, I’d say she had a conversation with my mother this morning.

“Well, that would be me. I wear many hats at Java Joe’s. How can I help you today?” Yep, disgust on her face doesn’t look pretty at all, but I’ll hold my tongue.

“Oh, I didn’t know that. Hmm, your mother didn’t mention you were the manager.” No, I bet she forgot that part. Obviously, Loraine is here to complain about me.

“I hate being one of those cranky customers, but when I was here the other day, you made my latte with milk, not cream. I specifically asked for cream.”

I know it’s rude to interrupt a customer while they're speaking, but I just can’t, in all fairness, listen to this gibberish. “I remember your order, and I used cream since you specifically asked for it. Look, I don’t know what this is all about, but to be fair, I’ll make you one today at no charge.”

She huffs, but I know she won’t refuse something for free. I walk behind the counter and make her the same damn one I made her the other day. Have I mentioned how much I hate it when my mother’s friends come in here? No? I hate it with a passion. “Is that what you like?”

“Yes, this one’s perfect. Thanks so much, Abigail, and have a wonderful day.” I put on my cheerful smile and wave goodbye as she walks out the door. Maria rolls her eyes and we both shake our head as I walk off.

I’m upset just thinking my mom would be so petty as to talk to Loraine about me. Or maybe she didn’t, but in all fairness I don’t understand why my mother can’t accept the fact that this is my job. God, I feel like I take two steps forward and ten steps back where she’s concerned. So not fair that Adam can come and go as he pleases and I run his shop and I get no credit. Maybe it’s time my brother and I have a sit-down next time he has the decency to show his face.

When a few of my regulars come in and I have time to sit with them, I soon forget Adam and Loraine. I love listening to Sue and Chuck brag about their kids and grandchildren. It’s precious and I could listen to them all day.

Since I already know their order by heart, I make it for them and walk it over to the table. “I’m assuming it’s the same thing today, too, right guys?”

“Abby, you’re an angel. Yes, I don’t think it will ever change. Do you have time to look at some pictures? Ben is getting so big!”

“Wow, he looks so happy. Where were these pictures taken? The view is breathtaking.”

“On vacation. Can you believe they went to Aruba and didn’t invite the old folks?” She chuckles.

“I might need to add that to my bucket list, it’s so beautiful.” I spend the next fifteen minutes talking to my favorite couple. Thankfully, for every asshat that walks through that door, there’s a handful of genuinely good people to help me get through my day.