Page 51 of Lucas



I’ve learned so muchabout myself in the last few months of being on the road. The things that I once thought imperative to my existence like money, fame, and material possessions aren’t so important anymore. I’m so much richer than I ever thought possible, and it has nothing to do with my fat bank account. It’s being surrounded by the people I love on a daily basis that’s far more gratifying than anything else in the world. The four of us are closer now than ever before. I guess being crammed inside hotel rooms, airplanes, and tour buses will either make or break a friendship. In our case, it solidified our alliance and created a bond that will last until the end of time. Abby and Quinn are a welcome addition and keep us organized and grounded.

With the tour winding down and a much-needed hiatus on the horizon, I’ve been contemplating asking Abby to marry me. I know, some would say it’s too soon in the relationship but I’ve never been one to follow the rules. I know without a doubt that she’s my person. I’d like to book a vacation for just the two of us and pop the question down on one knee while we’re naked on a sandy beach. But then the rational side of me worries where I’d hide the ring! Hey, I never claimed to be a reformed asshole, I just wanted all of you to know that now that Abby’s in my life, the seven deadly sins don’t appeal to me as much as they did in the past. She’s my only salvation.

Abby made me realize that I’m human. I’m not perfect and I’m going to make mistakes, but it’s how I handle the outcome that makes me a better man. I never realized how much I was starving for love and attention until she pointed it out to me. By using sex and booze to hide my pain, I was doing myself a big disservice. Never understanding that I was the one sabotaging my very own existence and my addiction. Go figure, it’s the absolute truth. I would have continued on my downward spiral if not for Abby.

My girl thinks that I saved her so long ago, when in all actuality she’s the one who saved my sorry ass.

Abby is my muse and I owe her my life!