“I haven’t slept with anyone since you, baby. And I was tested before that. You trust me?” She nods, and in a second I’ve undressed and started impaling her with my bare cock.
Fucking heaven, and I’m so glad we have another first.
I’m sotired after the night we had, but I can’t sleep. Apparently neither can Lucas. Understandable under the circumstances. I can’t even imagine how lost he’s feeling right now, and if I can bring him a little bit of peace, then I’m going to do my best.
Rolling over, I snuggle up against his solid chest. Resting my hand over the place where he says is black as night. Not true, since it’s beating beneath my fingers. It feels like its breaking. I’d love to tell him exactly how I feel, but I know those three little words aren’t what he needs right now.
“I’m here if you want to talk. I’m a good listener and it might be good to get it off your chest.” He snorts, dismissing my offer, so I don’t push it. I know he’s the one who needs to want to talk about it.
“Thanks, but it’s a hard pass for me. There’s nothing to talk about.” His hand presses against mine and I glance down to see how it looks in the light of day.
“At least the swelling has gone down. How’s it feel?” I place a tender kiss on his knuckles while he mulls it over.
“Better than yesterday, but sore as hell. I know it was an idiot move on my part, but I wasn’t thinking. I was angry that she had the balls to bring up something so personal at the party. All I could see is red.” I’m afraid to speak for fear he’ll shut down. “I keep wondering what would happen if I talked to Caleb, since there was a clause in the contract about no relatives…”
“You’re feeling guilty and that’s understandable, but think of the repercussions that would come from this. If Caleb decided to shelf the album and break the contract, it would hurt everyone involved. Not just you. I’ll stand behind whatever you do, but just give it some serious thought before making your decision.” Sighing, he flips me on my back and hovers over my body. Instinct has me running my fingers through his bed head. So damn hot!
I’d love to read his thoughts right about now. It’s almost like I can see the wheels turning and I don’t know what to say, so I’m silent. It’s for the best. I can’t pump him for information if he doesn’t want to talk.
We’re pulled out of the moment when his phone vibrates on the nightstand. He hesitates but then grabs it. Holding the phone so we can both see the screen, I notice it’s his dad. Lucas has never spoken to me about his family. At all. In fact, I often wondered if Landon told him what happened at his apartment that time. Probably not. I have my answer when he throws the phone on the other end of the bed and drops his head to my chest. I feel the weight of the world on his shoulders. I can’t stay silent any longer.
“I’m going out on a limb here, but I think it’s safe to say you were never close to your family.” He jumps off the bed and begins pacing. I miss the heat of him and regret voicing my fears.
“My dad and I were really close. In fact, he’s the one who pushed the guitar into my hands when I was eight. I knew he wanted me to be a musician, but I never really understood the reasoning behind it. It didn’t matter, because I loved it immediately and pursued it with a vengeance. I started writing songs at eleven and they sucked, but it paved the way. By thirteen, I was pretty good at it and he knew it. Want to hear something funny?”
“Absolutely. Especially if you can find some humor in this situation, I’m all ears.” A ghost of a smile shadows his lips, and it’s contagious.
“My father is co-owner of a recording company. Davis Records. It’s based in South Carolina and not as high-profile.”
What? I’m shocked that he never offered his son a contract of his own.
“I can see what’s going on in that pretty head of yours, baby. He offered a million times, and I turned him down every single time. I wanted to earn that damn contract, and that’s one reason I’m so fucking pissed. I feel like it was a setup and I fell into it.” Devastation is written all over his face. In a flash, I’m standing in front of him.
“None of the judges know Arisha’s your mom, Lucas. She even told you the vote was unanimous. You earned it, so get it out of your head that it’s nepotism. Your social media speaks for itself, your fans love you! In fact, you could have recorded your own albums if you wanted to. You have an enormous following.”
“Yeah, with all the online programs we could have, but I felt like that was cheating. I wanted to sign that damn contract, but look how good that turned out.”
“You got that damn contract on your own terms and even fought Caleb to help Trevor and his mom. You should be proud of yourself. You’re a good man, Lucas.” His lips capture mine in a gentle, sweet kiss.
“Months ago, music and sex were my only focus. Now you’re my motivation, Abby. You make me want to be a better man. In fact, I don’t need this anymore.” He struts over to his desk, opens the middle drawer, and throws a little black book in the garbage. It lands with a plop.
“Is this my cue to thank you for throwing out your little black book?” I say. “In all seriousness, I have you to thank for my new career. If not for you, I would have folded like a cheap lawn chair. Never feeling worthy of the position you so painstakingly knew I could do. Come here, baby. Thank you for giving me all the confidence I needed.”
“It’s impossible,” saidPride.
“It’s risky,” said experience.
“It’s pointless,” said reason.
“Give it a try,” whispered the heart.