After throwing on my 501s, my Coldplay T-shirt—best band ever—and my Chuck Taylors, I’m ready to head out. Until my brother's ringtone sets my teeth on edge. I answer with a clipped, “Sup?” through my teeth. I’d like to add ‘asshole’ to the end, but Landon wouldn’t find it funny. At all.
“I’m going to do the talking, Lucas, and I just want you to listen. Mom has requested your presence at the house on Saturday for a family get-together. Be there by two p.m. and don’t bring the band. She specifically requested you come alone. It begins at two, so don’t be late.” Then the line goes dead.
Was it something I said?
Landon Knight is my older brother, a brilliant attorney, and a douchebag. Who loves ordering me around. Unfortunately, I let him since he controls every cent I own. My trust fund, to be exact. The only money lining my pocket is the monthly check he sends me and whatever the band pulls in on any weekend. It pays the bills, so I’m not complaining. Every time he tells me to jump, I ask how high. So I’ll be going to the family get-together on Saturday whether I want to or not. I have no choice.
By the time I get to Trevor’s house, I’m in a foul mood. I’m not sure if it’s because of my brother's call or my lack of sleep in the last thirty-six hours. Either way, I need to get it together since our big gig withExistentialis next weekend. I can’t screw this up.
I haven’t even stepped inside the house when several hands reach out to grab my notebook. Fuck! They didn’t just go there. “Hey, knock it off. Go sit your asses down and I’ll play the songs for you.” I glare as Jet, Willow, and Trevor go scurrying off like a pack of rats. Jeez. Grabby little critters.
All three of them huddle on the black leather sofa, while I grab my guitar and set everything up. I haven’t memorized all the words yet, since I did this on the fly. I’m nervous, which isn’t anything new. I’m always nervous when I play one of my songs for the first time. So taking a deep breath, I play a few chords and begin…
Why did I cut myself open
Wear my heart on my sleeve
Now I’m lying here broken
With an aching need
To stitch up the hurt
Like some tattered old shirt
Abandoned, unwanted,
Cast-off and discarded.
‘Cause you’re a distraction
A fatal attraction
Seeping into my bones
Running through my veins…
My heart’sracing by the time I sing the last note of the third song. The room is eerily quiet. I could hear a pin drop. That’s not normal. Not when there’s a room full of musicians. Hesitantly, I take a deep breath and glance up from my notebook. And I’m dumbfounded by what I see. Willow’s cheeks are streaked with tears. Jet’s staring at me like he’s seeing me for the first time. And Trevor, well, he’s hard to read because he’s staring at the floor. Truth be told, I don’t give a rat’s ass what anyone else thinks of me. But these three are my lifeline. So yeah, I care what they think. “C’mon you guys. Say something. Anything. You’re killing me here.”
Trevor’s head immediately snaps up. “Those three songs could be the best you’ve ever written, Lucas. I don’t understand what you did differently, but if you keep it up, we’ll get a record deal hands down. Hey, you even made Willow cry.”
Jet’s quick to cut him off. “Are we here to practice or are we going to sit around all night, telling Lucas how wonderful he is. ‘Cause last time I checked, his ego didn’t need inflating.”
He’s so right. And I’m speechless when Willow jumps off the couch to give me a hug. What the hell? This is odd because she’s not a touchy-feely kinda girl. She’s a bad-ass chick through and through. “Great job,Pipes. Now I’m itching to practice.”
Well, shit. She just took the words right out of my mouth.
I crawledout of bed at eleven so I could get to Java Joe’s by noon. It didn’t give me much time to feel human again, but partying into the wee hours of the morning is no one’s fault but my own. And I just know it’s going to be a long day at work because they always are when you want it to go by fast. My bad, but live and learn. I always tell myself I’ll never go out the night before, but then my dumbass does what she wants to do, so screw it.
“Abby, I’m taking my break. I’ll be back in thirty.” Carla grabs her purse underneath the counter and rushes out the door. I don’t blame her, she’s been here since six this morning. Working a twelve-hour day on your feet is tough in this business.
When the lunch crowd comes rushing in, I try not to complain. Wouldn’t do me a damn bit of good since I manage the joint and no one wants to listen to the boss whining. Besides, I have tomorrow off and I’m spending the day with my girls. We’ll shop till we drop and go grab a late brunch. I think it’s going to be tons of fun and I could use a new bra and panty set. It might come in handy if I hook up again with a certain someone.
Carla comes back just in time to help me with the last-minute lunch crowd. Sal goes back to what he was doing before giving me a hand. Once we catch up, I grab a cup of coffee and head into the back, so I can place my weekly order before it’s too late. Booting up the laptop, I click on the order form and twenty minutes later I’m enjoying my lukewarm Joe. I could nuke it, I suppose, but I’d rather just hide in here for a few more minutes. It’s so peaceful.