Once I’ve finished my drink, I kiss my friends goodbye and go outside to wait for my ride. Being alone on a Saturday night isn’t so bad, and by the time I get home it will be Sunday morning. A quick shower, some cozy pajamas, and I’ll be ready for bed. Once I get up, I’ll clean my apartment, do a bit of meal prep for the week, and get ready for work on Monday. Yep, my life in a nutshell. Not the most exciting, but it’s all mine.
“Jealousy is the cousin ofGreed.We seem to focus on what we want, and lose sight of what we really need.”
We wereup all night talking, strategizing and trying to figure out how we can pull this all off. We’re exhausted, but we can’t sleep. Too hyped up on adrenaline and good intentions. There’s no doubt in our minds we deserve this just as much as any other band, but we’re not naïve in thinking that along with fame, there aren’t consequences.
In fact, we’ve discussed our sordid pasts to death and we know it would only be a matter of time before the tabloids get wind of it. Because of social media, they’ve already publicized my sex addiction on numerous occasions. Once they dig a bit deeper, they’ll come to realize that Willow’s dad—Trevor’s uncle—is a convicted murderer. And who knows what the hell would happen if the truth comes out about Jet being on the run since the age of thirteen? Hell, I don’t think there’s a person on the face of the Earth who doesn’t have some skeletons hidden in their closet. But, and it’s a huge but, if we get that recording contract, the cat’s out of the bag. It could be a free for all.
I know we’re all a bit punchy and not thinking straight, so we sit in silence, deep in our own thoughts. Until Trevor has to put in his own two cents’ worth. “Maybe, we should try to get some rest. We have a few weeks to get our shit together and figure out if this is what we really want.”
“Are you fucking serious, Trevor?” I say. “This is a once in a lifetime opportunity, and there’s not one person on the face of the earth that doesn’t have something to hide. Dammit all, we’re not running for President here, we’re a fucking band and this is something that we’ve wanted since day one. I can’t speak for everyone, but it’s what I’ve wanted since day one.” I can’t believe he still thinks that way after everything we discussed.
“Lucas is right, ya know,” Willow says. “If we let our pasts rule our future, then the powers that be will win. Personally, I don’t care if the world knows my dad’s a murderer. Do you?” Willow slices Trevor with a deadly glare, which I can see cuts him to the bone.
Jet nods. “Look, we’re all on edge after everything that’s happened tonight. The concert, the crazy party, and a possible record deal. Let’s all sleep on it and decide once we’re rested and thinking clearly. But, let’s promise one another that majority rules and that whatever happens, no hard feelings.” Jet always seems to know what to say at just the right time. This is exactly what we all needed to hear.
After saying goodnight, we go our separate ways. All of us have our own bedrooms at Trevor’s house since it’s a restored Victorian with seven bedrooms, three baths, and a soundproof studio in the finished basement. It’s a win since this is where we collaborate until all kinds of crazy hours of the morning and everyone just needs to crash. Kinda like tonight.
I slip in between the sheets after taking a quick shower and just stare into the darkness. Just thinking about what the coming months could entail gives me pause. On the one hand, I want this record deal with every beat of my heart. But, truth be told, I’m afraid of what the consequences would bring. Fame is a fickle thing, and I’m afraid it won’t last. And god forbid we crash and burn. It would be devastating.
When several hours pass by and sleep never comes, I slip into my jeans, toss on a shirt, and pad into the kitchen to make coffee. Since I can’t turn off my mind, there’s no point in staying in bed any longer. I pop in a pod, lean against the counter, and scrub my hands over my tired face. The smell of coffee works better than any alarm clock I’ve ever used when Willow, Trevor, and Jet come strolling in. Looking as shitty as I feel. Without uttering a word, I hand my cup of Joe to Trevor and he whispers his thanks. I continue brewing us each a cup while Willow grabs the cream and sugar. Once we all have a big mug of steaming goodness, I pull out a chair and join the band.
Uncomfortable silence fills the room, and I know everyone’s avoiding the topic at hand. But, as difficult as it’s going to be, it needs to be initiated. The sooner the better. I clear my throat and get ready to proceed when Trevor cuts me off.
“I did a lot of soul-searching last night, and as much as it would kill me to leave, I think that it’s the best thing all around. I swear I’ll help you find a new drummer and teach him or her all the songs—”
What the ever-loving fuck!
Of course, everyone has their own opinion and their high-pitched voices are grating on my every nerve. I hold up my hands to silence them once and for all. To no avail. And when I listen to the conversation, instead of jumping to conclusions, it all makes sense. Trevor’s afraid that if we get that contract, his mom will be alone to face her sickness.
Without hesitating, my fist comes crashing down against the tabletop. Silence. Finally. Standing up, I lean across the table, grab him by the nape of his neck and get right in his face. “I swear to God, Trevor, I’ll spend every cent of my trust fund to take care of your mom if you can’t be here. In fact, I’ll have them add it into our contract so you can be with her for her treatments. You have my word that she’ll get the best care, but you can’t and you won’t quit the band. You won’t quit us. We’ve worked too damn hard and your mom would kill you with her bare hands if she knew you quit because of her.” I release him, cross my arms, and wait for an answer. Knowing that if it comes down to it, I must accept those checks I so adamantly refused the other day. But, for Trevor or anyone else in this band, I’d eat fucking crow with a knife and fork and a white linen napkin.
Imaginemy surprise when my mom called out of the blue and wanted to do brunch. I know, I know, but she’s been great with the comments and hasn’t brought up my lack of position since Dad called her out. I’ll just go get the groceries after we’re finished and then I’ll do my meal prep once everything is put away. I’m meeting her at theBistro, which is forty minutes away, so I need to leave now.
Before pulling out of the parking spot, I hook up my Bluetooth and start my playlist. I need a distraction if I’m going to be driving for so long.Halseybooms through the speakers and there’s no way I cannot sing to this song. It’s so damn addictive. So I drive down the highway with the wind in my hair and look forward to this brunch with Mom. It’s been too long since it was just the two of us, and if all goes well, it could become a fun thing to do on Sundays. I’ll see how things go before making any commitments.
The music and the dull drone of the tires over the pavement calms me and also makes the ride that much more enjoyable. I’m surprised when my exit comes up so fast. Those forty minutes flew by, now fingers crossed that lunch goes well.
Mom’s car is just a few spaces over from me when I walk inside the restaurant. All the delish smells waft through the air and my stomach growls. I never realized I was so hungry, but all I had was half a bagel and a cup of coffee. Everything on the menu is up for grabs at this point.
“Welcome toBistro, do you have a reservation?” The cute little hostess has her role down pat.
“I’m meeting Mrs. Lewis at one.” A quick glance at the seating arrangement and we’re off.
“Thank you. Hey Mom, you beat me.” She stands and kisses both cheeks before sitting down.
“Well, I live closer than you do. How was the drive? It’s a glorious day out, isn’t it?” She seems a tad nervous, but it’s understandable since we really haven’t spoken since that night.