Page 48 of Passions & Peonies

He walks toward me but remains standing. “Love doesn’t suck. I would never, ever regret loving Deb—even though it’s killing me now. She lit me up inside and gave me so much while she was on this earth. We were the definition of soul mates. I knew I loved her the first day I saw her swinging on a swing in elementary school.Elementary school!”

“Yeah, I remember. You were like a little puppy, running around behind her during recess.” I smile at the memory.

“So love doesn’t suck. It’s the best feeling in the world, but it can hurt like a bitch sometimes too. I don’t know if I’ll ever love another woman like Deb. It’s hard to believe that could happen again. But I’d tell anyone to hold onto it if they found it.”

Why is he telling me this? Can he read my mind? I haven’t told him about Lacey. It didn’t feel right.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming?”

“Josh knew,” he mumbles, then glances over my shoulder.

“What? Why didn’t he tell me?”

“I wanted to surprise you. He told me about Lacey and how you’ve been having a hard time lately.”

“He what?” Anger bubbles in my chest. “It’s nothing compared to what you’re going through. So that’s what this speech was about? Look, it’s nothing I can’t handle.”

“Not according to Josh.”

I stand up. “What the fuck?”

“I needed someone to talk sense into you since you won’t listen to me.” I swing around. Josh is there.

“And what sense would that be?”

“To get your ass up to New York and work something out with Lacey.”

“It’s been weeks. She’s probably moved on.”

Josh hands me his phone.

“No, she hasn’t. Far from it.” I almost drop his phone because the voice came from it, not him.

I flip it over.Sky?I shoot a confused look to Josh. The last person I expected to see on the screen was her. I didn’t even know they’d kept in touch. He hasn’t mentioned her once since they left.Partners in crime.

“Hi, Sky. What do you mean?”

“By any chance have you spoken to your sister?”

“Chloe? She’s called me twice, but I haven’t called her back. Why? How do you know Chloe?”

“All I can say is that we need a plan. Josh and I are tired of the fucking bullshit we’re dealing with on both sides. You need to get your sister on the phone, too, but I don’t have much time. I offered to make a wine run so I could call Josh on the sly.”

Right now, the only emotion I feel is hope.

Chapter 24


I’ve been floating on air since Monday. After I had the heart-to-heart with the girls, all of a sudden, I got a message from Will. It was a picture of the heart shell I left him the day I flew back. I’d left it by his phone on the boat. I wanted to call him right away, but I decided to play along. I sent him a picture of the Yankees hoodie I was wearing when we first met. I circled the tomato juice stain that hasn’t come out, no matter how hard I’ve tried.

So then he responded with a picture of the dock where I fell into the water. I couldn’t stop laughing. Me at my most graceful… not! We’ve continued this nonverbal communication right up until yesterday, but I didn’t get anything else after I sent him a picture fromBaywatch.

Until this morning, when he sent me a picture of a golden lasso. I practically jumped out of my skin from excitement. I’ve had a perma-grin on my face all day.

Work has been hectic this week, but Jocelyn gave everyone the afternoon off because Sophia and Sky are coming to the office in a few minutes. Sophia’s asked Jocelyn to make her wedding dress. She hasn’t designed wedding gowns before, but she immediately said yes. So now we’re going to have a girls’ afternoon here, sifting through fabrics, coming up with designs, and drinking a lot of wine and champagne. I’m glad they’re including Sky in these things.

I tap my lips as I check to see if everything is set up in the sewing room. Chairs surround a large table that’s next to Jocelyn’s prepared sketching table. A mannequin stands nearby, ready and waiting for the party to begin. Yep, we’re good.