Page 43 of Passions & Peonies

I nod my head and toss my phone back in my bag. What I really want to do is throw it down the aisle at someone to release some of my anger.

“Do me a favor, Sky.”

“Sure. What?”

“Don’t tell anyone about Will. Especially my dad. The way he’s so protective over me, he’ll call my brothers and ask who the hell he is. Then they’ll come to me asking why I didn’t tell them about him. I can’t deal. It’s nobody’s business.”

“Whatever you want,” she says doubtfully, “but I don’t think you have to let him go like he never existed. You’re going to completely remove Will from the details of our vacation?”

“I’ll say we met a lot of people or something like that. Or I’ll avoid the questions all together.”

“Your family is going to see right through you just like I can. And they see you more often.”

“I’ll be fine once I’m back at work and have my normal rhythm. I’ll be distracted. My smiling self will be back on display.”

Right. Back to the chaos of New York. I just need time to get back into the New York state of mind. Except that’s not who I am anymore.

Minutes later we’re in the air and keep to ourselves, but my brain won’t shut off. Sky has earphones in and reads her Kindle.

I tap her arm. She pulls her earbuds out. “What’s up?”

“I feel horrible. Did I ruin your vacation? Did I make it all about me and Will?”

She hesitates. “In a way it was about you and Will, but I loved it. Watching your love story evolve was better than watching a movie. You were so happy—how could I not be happy? And Will is a catch. I just wish it could’ve worked out for you both. Things happen for a reason, Lace, like him getting my empty seat.”

I don’t know if she’s trying to make me feel bad that I left Will without saying goodbye or if this is her sneaky way of getting me to want to see him again.

“But,” she whispers, “my favorite part about this entire trip is that we’ve become closer friends and sisters. And I’m not going to use the ugly wordstep.”

“Me too.” I give her a big hug. “Next time I see you, I promise I’ll be back to my old self.”

“Is that what you want?” she asks gently. “Because I’m not sure you’re the same person you were before the trip.”

I know I’m not.

Chapter 21


Why is it so bright in here? I reach my arm out to touch Lacey but all I find are cold sheets. I bolt up into the sitting position and shout, “Lace!”Crickets.

I hop off the bed and search the boat. “Lacey, where are you?” All her things are gone.

Every hair on my body stands on end. “No, no, no.” I yank my clothes on and burst through the cabin door. I slam into Josh.

“Where’s Lacey? Have you seen her?”

“No. They left over an hour ago. Didn’t you see her before she left?”

I pull my hands through my hair, almost pulling it out. “She didn’t wake me. Her alarm was set, but I didn’t hear anything. How could she have left without saying goodbye? How?” I shout at Josh.

He steps back. “Will, I’m sorry. I don’t know what to say. I got a message from Sky, saying they made it to the airport okay.”

My head perks up. My phone! I run back to the cabin and search for it. I snatch it off the counter and unlock it. A message pops up with a number I don’t recognize. My hand shakes when I click on it.Please be Lacey.

“Did she leave you a message?” I ignore him and read:

Dear Will, I’m sorry I left without saying goodbye. I didn’t do it to hurt you but to save us. I wouldn’t have been able to walk away from you for the last time. Thank you for the most magical week of my life. Last night will live in my heart and soul forever. Attached are some pictures of us. You will always hold the lasso around my heart.