Page 32 of Passions & Peonies

“Is this Josh’s desk?” I point to the one facing his. It looks like someone threw a stack of paper in the air and it landed on his desk.

“Yes. You can see who’s organized and who’s not. But mine looked like that yesterday too. I was here late last night to straighten it up.”

“If Sky ever got together with Josh, I wouldn’t want to see their house. You should see how messy Sky’s side of the hotel room is. But I don’t think there’s any zing between them.”

“Me neither.”

I zone in on some pictures on the wall of a beautiful motorboat. Josh and Will are smiling like they won the lottery. “When was this picture taken?” I stand up and point at the frame.

Will turns around, and his face beams. “Last year. We bought a new motorboat, and that was the day we christened it. See the champagne bottle in my hand?” I step closer to it. “It’s our personal boat. It’s not for rent. We use it when family or friends visit or if we want to enjoy it ourselves. I’ll have to show it to you before you leave.”

Before I leave.Dread washes over me.

I point to another picture. “Wait a second! I know her. She works at your sister’s florist shop.”

“Sheismy sister, Chloe.” He chuckles. “My parents adopted her when she was two. She was born in Cameroon, Africa.”

“I can’t believe I’ve spoken to your sister before. How crazy is that?” I swat him on the arm. “Her skin is such a gorgeous shade of milk chocolate.”

His eyes lose their luster. “This is the last family picture we have before my mom died.”

“Your mom was beautiful. Actually, your entire family is. You and Josh look like your dad.”

The doorbell jangles, and I hear Sky and Josh laughing. They are always laughing about something. Josh walks into the office, and Sky leans against the doorframe.

“Want to go to Crabscape tonight? We have nothing in the fridge. Sky’s up for it.”

“Do you like crabs or other seafood?” Will asks me. “Have you tried conch fritters yet? Not from the hotel. The food is decent there, but you need to try it at a real restaurant.”

“Conch fritters?” I crinkle my nose. “They don’t sound appetizing at all.”

“You know those big shells that people put to their ears, thinking they’ll hear the ocean? I’m sure you did it when you were a little kid. Those are conch shells,” Josh explains.

“I know what they are, I just didn’t know something lived inside them.”

Josh laughs. “Yep. Tasty little critters. You can get them fried or with a delicious garlic butter sauce.” He licks his lips. “My mouth waters just thinking about it.”

“I love seafood. Let’s go.”

“I need to get out of the hotel one night while we’re here. See what the nightlife is like,” Skylar chimes in, swinging her hips.

“So let’s get out of here,” Will says.

The sound of shells cracking and live music playing swirl through the breezy air. I have never seen so many crab legs in my life. It’s kind of gross. The gigantic bowl in the middle of the table is almost empty now. There’s another bowl to the side for the shells. All the tables around us on the busy restaurant terrace have the same setup. The guys are pros with the crab cracker. Me, not so much. I’ve sprayed myself with crab juice several times already, breaking mine. I’m going to reek of fish later.

“Are we ready for another round of Bushwackers?” Will asks.

I hold up my hand and finish chewing what’s in my mouth. “Not for me. I’m done.” Will gives everyone wet wipes for our hands.

“Me.” Skylar raises her hand. “This drink is so yummy. I’m going to look for it in Boston when I get back. I’ve seen them on drink menus here but always picked something else. The name doesn’t sound very appetizing.”

“Bet they won’t taste as good as the ones down here,” Josh teases.

“What do we want to do after this?” Will asks, cleaning his hands. “Want to go back to our place? It’s at the hotel. We can light the firepit and sit outside. Or would you rather go to a bar or dancing?”

“If we can make Bushwackers at your place, I’m in. I’m too full to go dancing, even though I’m loving the live band here.” Skylar pats her belly. “Is that okay with you, Lace?”

Why do I have a feeling she’s going to get drunk tonight, if she isn’t already.