“How could you see that when this is the first full day we’ve spent together? We’re both adults; we’re both attracted to each other. And we know it ends after this week.”
“Who do you think you’re talking to? I’m not Sawyer, I’m your twin.” His thumb stabs his chest. “We have a bond that no one else has. I know when you’re happy, sad, pissed, exhausted, scared,constipated… before you even do. You think I’m some guy who walks around not giving a shit, but that’s where you’re wrong. I see and feel everything you do; I just choose to deal with it differently.”
I rest my elbows on my desk. “Where are you going with this?”
“She lives in New York City. We’ll be in the Hamptons in a couple of months. You can see her when you’re up there.”
“And then what? I’d have to leave again in six months. That’s why I don’t get involved, because who’d want to deal with this lifestyle? No one wants to date someone who’s only around six months out of the year. I just met her, Josh. Why do you act like I’m in love with her or something?”You’re close to it. “You’re the one who plays with them for a week and loves it when they leave. Why is that wrong for me?” I type in my laptop password with heavy fingers, trying to act casual when he knows he’s annoying me.
“I haven’t met someone I’d look at like you do her. Even behind your sunglasses, I could see you watching her every move. And always with this lovesick grin on your face. Do you realize you two were constantly touching each other in some way today? Holding hands, thigh to thigh, lip to lip.
“Get my point, Will. I’m not saying it’s wrong. She made you laugh more than I’ve seen in a long time. Why do you think I offered to drive the boat? If a stranger saw you two together, they’d think you were newlyweds.”
“Pfft.Newlyweds. What the fuck are you smoking?”
“Come on. Even Sky sees it.”
I stand up and lean over my desk. “Great. Now you’re talking to Sky about us. What, are you best buds now?”
“Don’t get so pissed off. All I’m saying is that it doesn’t have to end when she leaves.”
My brother, the gigolo, is giving me relationship advice. I must be on another planet.
Chapter 14
Sky stands in front of her messy bed with her hands propped on her hips. “I’m not going to be able to fit all these new clothes in my suitcase. I didn’t realize there’d be such fantastic shopping here.”
“I think we’ll cry when we get our credit card bills next month. With the shopping, spa, water-skiing, and cruise, it won’t feel like an all-inclusive resort anymore. I look forward to getting my bonus this month.”
Yesterday was our spa day. We hung out in robes, had facials and massages, then relaxed by the pool for the rest of the day. I haven’t seen Will or Josh anywhere. He did say they were busy, so I don’t want to get in their way. I’ve been avoiding talking about him to Sky. This is our vacation, and I should enjoy it with or without a guy.
“How long are you going to stand there, staring at Will’s sweatshirt?”
I avert my eyes from it. “Huh? What? I wasn’t staring at it.”
She crosses her arms. “Okay. How long are you going to stand there staring at the chair that’s holding his sweatshirt?”
“Fine.” I groan. “I was just wondering what Will’s up to. It’s Wednesday and I haven’t seen him since Monday.”
“Hmm. Let’s remedy that. Send him a text?”
I hem and haw, then shake my head.
“I don’t get it. Why are you so against texting him?” She rips a tag off a slinky sundress she bought today. “Oh! I’ve got it. Let’s take him his sweatshirt.”
There’s an idea. He’s always coming for me, so it’s my turn to find him. I don’t know why I’m so nervous. As soon as we see each other, we’re inseparable. Why would today be any different?
“Do you know where he lives?”
“No clue.”
“Then we’ll go to the marina. Maybe we can convince Will and Josh to take us out tonight. Somewhere local.”
“Really?” I beam. Jeez, I swear I’m like a teenager. “It wouldn’t bother you to hang out with them again? Doesn’t Josh cramp your style?”
“I told you, I’m not looking to hook up with anyone here. I had a blast on Monday. They’re cool guys. It’d be fun to get out of the hotel one night. Maybe eat some local cuisine.”