Page 26 of Passions & Peonies

He shrugs.

“Well, I do. It only happened a couple weeks ago, not five years. If I’m the only one he feels he can talk to, then I’m going to be there for him.”

“But every time you talk to him, you become miserable and a bit of an asshole. The only time you’ve been happy since we got back is when Lacey’s around.”

“We’ve been back for two days. She’s fun to be around.”A beautiful distraction.

“Then take advantage of her being here. Have a little fun. Makeyourselfhappy for once, then be miserable when she leaves.”

“So no matter what, I’ll be miserable.”

“Only if you let yourself be.”

“Pfft. Whatever.”

I was stupid yesterday. Skylar came in to book a day cruise to Virgin Gorda and Jost Van Dyke in the British Virgin Islands, and I decided to make myself the captain and Josh a guide, even though we have tons of work to do. I figured this was my best bet if I didn’t find Lacey last night. Now I’m not so sure it was a good idea. Our regular captain, Mike, was confused when I told him we were coming along today. I had to reassure him his job wasn’t on the line.

This cruise is for ten people. One by one, people get on the boat. The two guys from the dance club last night are here. Is that a coincidence, or did they plan this? We’re close to leaving, but Lacey and Skylar aren’t here yet.

“Josh, did Lacey and Skylar cancel? They’re late,” I shout to him over the roaring of the engine.

“Not that I know of. Sky was looking forward to the trip when I was with her last night. Give them a few more minutes.”

And that’s what we did, and here they are, running toward the boat at the very last minute. Laughing and dropping shit along the way. Lacey’s baseball cap flies off her head and almost falls in the water. I would never be bored with this woman.

She hops in front of me, out of breath, like she’s landed on home base. “Howdy. Sorry we’re late. The alarm didn’t go off, and I wanted to run to the store in the hotel. Sky needed her coffee…” She babbles away with a big smile on her face. I feel myself relax again. “…But we’re here now.” She puts her baseball cap on backward. It might be the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen. I’m truly fucked.

I crack a smile. “You’re the last ones. Hop aboard.”

Skylar goes first, and Josh greets her. Lacey strokes my arm. “Thanks for last night. Will I see you later?”

“No.” She frowns and takes a step back. I grab her hand and kiss the back of it.Aha!There’s the electricity I didn’t know I was missing. “Lucky for you and me, you’ll see me all day. I’ll be your captain and Josh, along with Mike, will be your tour guide.”

“This day couldn’t get any better.” She smiles with delight.

I might have to agree with her.

“Hi,” Lacey greets me from behind. “Can I hang out with you while you drive the boat? Josh said it’d be okay. I need a break from the sun.”

I haven’t seen her since we left the marina, but I’ve been hoping she’d find her way to me. “Sure. It sounds pretty rowdy down there.”

She comes up on my left side, removes her cap and sunglasses, and places them on the helm. “Josh is hilarious. He knows how to entertain.”

My eyes trace her beautiful, athletic body as she scopes out the cockpit. “This boat is gorgeous.”

“Thanks. How’s your sunburn?”

She focuses on me again. “Not good. I thought it would’ve gotten better overnight. No blisters, though. That’s partly why we were late. I ran to the hotel shop to buy this bathing suit. This was the only one they had left.” She’s wearing a one-piece red suit with long sleeves and a zipper up the front. And it’s zipped only halfway. Her hair is braided again, revealing her kissable neck. I picture her walking down the beach with a surfboard under her arm. Hot as fuck.

She tugs at the top. “It’s a little snug, but I needed something that would give me more cleavage—I meancoveragetoday.” She covers her mouth and we both chuckle. “I don’t want to ruin my trip by having to stay inside all the time because I’m burnt to a crisp.”

I pull her to my side, and she gasps. “You look sexy, no matter what you wear.”

“Sexy, huh? You’re making me blush.” She pecks my lips, then steps away in regret. “I’m sorry. I have no control when I’m around you. After last night…” Her voice drifts off as her fingers trace her lips. “It feels so natural.”

“I’m sorry for the way I left you in the lobby. I heard Sawyer’s voice, and my good mood vanished.”Love sucksrepeats in my head from Sawyer, but I push it away. I keep one hand on the wheel and nuzzle her neck.

“Don’t apologize. He’s your friend and he’s suffering.” She caresses my cheek, then takes my sunglasses off my face. Her eyes lock on mine. “And so are you. I would’ve done the same thing.”