Viggo couldn’t begin to guess at what those might be. Signy was pure intentioned—of that, he’d no doubt—but he sensed there was much she chose not to discuss with him.
He remained puzzled over the matter of her father and brother. She’d told him they were deceased and asserted that no other male relatives were living. ‘Twas hard to believe, but he could think of no reason for her to lie.
Was there more to the matter than she’d let on?
Or was the secret of some other nature?
Whatever Rangvald believed he knew, ‘twas likely Eldberg was privy to the same…
No surprise that they keep the details from me. They treat me as nothing but the dirt on their boots, unworthy to be brought into their confidence.
But Signy! She, I thought I could trust!
The idea that he could not sliced him like a blade.
His faith in her had kept him at her side these weeks past. But if Rangvald’s sentiment was grounded in truth, who could he trust?
“No one.” Despair ate at the hollow of his chest. “I can trust no one.”
“Viggo.” From the doorway, Signy’s soft voice interrupted his thoughts. Had she heard his sullen confession? Suddenly, he cared not.
“How went your time with Rangvald? You’re feeling… cheered?” she entered, coming to stand before him.
He wanted very much to grasp her close and hold her tight, to tell himself that nothing might come between them, that no obstacle was insurmountable.
However, her naming of Rangvald put paid to that.
Did she really believe Rangvald to be his friend? A man like that!
If so, regardless of her professions of love, how little she truly knew him.
Was even her concern a façade?
“An interesting conversation… though far from ‘cheering’!” He rose to his feet. “Have you aught to tell me?”
“Me? What can you mean?” There was uncertainty there. She was afraid of something.
Afraid I’ve discovered what she’s been hiding!
“Do not play the innocent.” Irritated, he doubled down on his defiance. “I’ve been honest with you, yet you keep secrets from me!”
“Nay! My heart is open. Have I not told you clearly enough? Yet you keep yours closed!” There was disdain in her voice. “It isyou, Viggo, who should have something to say to me.”
“You deny it then?” Viggo clenched his fists. “You insist there’s nothing you withhold from me?”
She hesitated. “Nothing of… import. I cannot think what you mean… unless…” A tremble entered her voice.
By Odin’s teeth! Rangvald was right! She does keep some secret!
“Out with it, wench!” He hadn’t intended to shout, but the thought of her dishonesty was too much. “Do not think to butter me with simpering words. I cannot abide a liar!”
She made some strangled sound, though whether rooted in wrath or guilt, he knew not.
A weighty silence fell between them.
For the love of Thor, speak to me!
He waited, but she gave no answer. Wracked with disappointment, he turned away. “So be it.”