‘Twas more than he could bear.
Their hands upon her softness, bending her to their will, treating her like some serving thrall, thinking only of their own gratification as they took her roughly!
And what of how you’ve treated her?
The day before, on the hillside, anger had burned through him hot and fast, sweeping away all reason, fueled by hatred for what he’d become.
Caring naught for how I might hurt her.
‘Twas the truth, wasn’t it?
He’d allowed primal lust to rule and a destructive, hateful impulse, wanting to crush any tenderness that might have existed, wanting to possess what he knew could never truly be his.
He told himself he’d never harm Signy, but how close had he come?
I bit her! Hard upon the throat.
How many times? I can’t even remember.
She’d told him to stop, at least at first…
He hadn’t cared about her protests. Overcome by the tumult of passion, he’d known only his body pounding into hers, deep and hard, seeking to obliterate the pain.
And you think Rangvald would be worse?
He’d heard rumors of what Rangvald did with women…
Whispers about Eldberg too—of how he’d treated the woman Elswyth when she’d been his captive two winters past. Of how he’d kept her tied in his chamber for weeks on end, naked and submissive, inflicting humiliation. Little wonder she’d made her escape, though Eldberg had hunted her down and brought her back again.
You’d let Signy suffer the same? Leave her at their mercy?
Once I’m dead, who will there be to prevent it?
The old woman, Bothild? Or the healer, Elin?
Here, perhaps, they’d have some sway, but if Signy was taken from Høy…
Rangvald had spoken of the women having secrets, of them making a deal. Was that with Eldberg himself? His jarl never revealed more than was necessary of his plans. Had he bartered some contract?
Viggo wouldn’t put it past him to offer passage to Skálavík and a life of comfort in return for their help. Of course, knowing his jarl, the deal would be upon his own terms when the time came. He’d take those who would be useful to him.
Women like Signy.
“None of you shall touch her!” Despite his need to believe it, Viggo’s voice quivered.
“I shall do as I please.” Rangvald was defiant. “And you’ll deserve whatever comes if you can’t pull yourself together.”
Pull myself together… as if I might summon my sight by will alone!
Viggo pushed the heel of his hands against his treacherous eyes. “For the love of Odin, leave me be!”
“Gladly.” Rangvald sighed, as though bored. “In your current state, there’s barely amusement in riling you. Good luck, blind man.”
A hand closed over Viggo’s, and Rangvald leaned closer, his breath brushing Viggo’s cheek. His voice dropped to a conspiratorial whisper. “My woman will soon have my cock in her mouth again, and I’ll relish watching her. A pity you’ll never get to see how your beauty’s lips look, wrapped about a man’s staff; a pleasure for me to savor, perhaps… sooner or later.”
“Faen i helvete!”Viggo snatched his hand away. With the curse sour on his tongue, he lunged for Rangvald but was foiled by the man’s quick reactions.
“Still some fight in you?” Rangvald’s laughter was mocking.