“I do.” He grinned. “Trust me, Sanderson is the best.”
That much she could believe. The man acting on her behalf had represented her with stinging efficiency.
“Did you speak to my mum?” Opting to change the subject, she ran her fingers through the length of his dark hair.
“I did.” He leaned back against the sofa, evidently enjoying her attention. “I called her from the police station.”
“And?” She dreaded to think how Susie would have taken the news. Ella had never been in trouble with the police before, let alone for something so serious.
“She was worried, of course.”
Tucker was, she guessed, intentionally playing down her mother’s response. Ella could only imagine her mother’s horror at discovering her only child had been arrested for shooting someone.
“But I reassured her I’d be taking you home with me soon enough. She said she’d call you later today.”
“Thanks.” She snuggled into the crook of his neck, certain he’d have done his best to console Susie. Tucker couldturn on the charm when it was required. Ella remembered how well he and her mum had got on at Osbourne’s. “I appreciate that.”
“You’ve got it.” One of his hands rose along her back, skimming the thin material of her negligee. Tucker had ensured a bag of their ‘essentials’ had been brought from the apartment. He really did think of everything. “Did I mention I love you?”
“Yes.” She giggled as the palm roaming her backside dipped between her cheeks. “I love you too, sir.”
It had been an exceptionally long and arduous day, and she was still light years from coming to terms with what she’d been through and what it meant she’d done, but Tucker had a way of making her feel safe. Even when she’d fled the cabin to get away from him, he’d managed to track her down and protect her from the bewildered bear who she’d met at the river. She hadn’t appreciated it at the time, of course, but he’d had her best interests at heart, even then.
“Do you want me to take you to bed, little girl?” Having joined her in the shower, Tucker was only wearing a towel around his waist, and she could tell how excited the idea made him. “Or are you too tired?”
“It’s a lovely idea, sir.” She rose over him, pressing her palms onto each of his strong shoulders. After much deliberation, she thought those muscular shoulders might be her favorite part of his entire body, but she’d definitely need to examine every inch of him again to know for certain.
“But?” His tone was knowing.
“But Iamexhausted.” She sighed. “And even though we’re sleeping somewhere else, I can’t get what happened out of my head.”
“It’s going to take time, but we’re safe now. I promise.”
The wistful look in his eyes told her that perhaps she might never reconcile what had happened. She recalled how Tucker had briefly explained the reason for his loathing of guns and wondered how the home invasion had affected him.
“What about Kenner?” The question rolled from her lips, even though she hadn’t intended to ask.
“What about him?” Tucker’s brow rose at her direct line of inquiry.
“You said he was the real reason Collins was there last night. So, he’s the reason Alexander’s in the hospital and that I’ve killed someone.” Her brow crumpled as she admitted it aloud. “And he’s still out there.”
“He hasn’t got the balls to come for me himself.” His hand rose to her hair. “Don’t worry about him.”
“But this will never be over while he’s out there, sir.” Her weary exasperation escaped as a sigh from her throat. “What if he just sends someone else to hurt you?”
“I’m going to deal with him.” Resolve resounded in Tucker’s voice.
“You mean you’re going to kill him?” She was starting to be fluent in ‘Tucker’s language’, and she understood whatdealing with himmeant. However, given everything Kenner was responsible for, she couldn’t say she disapproved.
“Maybe.” Tucker’s lips twitched as his digits tightened in her hair. “I’ll make sure his threat is properly neutralized.”
“But he’s your father, sir.” Ella knew only too well how complicated relationships could be when a biological parent let you down, but she couldn’t envision how Tucker must have felt. To know one parent killed the other must have been soul-destroying. It explained a lot about the man she’d met in the woods. “I think you’ll regret killing him.”
“He killed my mother.” His face drew nearer. “I’ve tried, Ella, but there is no ‘coming to terms’ with that.”
“I bet.” A line appeared in her brow. She wished she could do something to alleviate the trauma Kenner had caused, but she had to be honest; the way he was fisting her hair was distracting. Despite their many problems, she sensed the familiar heat building between her legs. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay.” His mouth brushed over hers. “None of this is on you.”