Page 50 of Absolution


She stirred in the darkness, warm and content as she rolled onto her side and caught sight of the time.


Her eyes widened as her brain registered the digit’s meaning. It was almost three o’clock. Their post-carnal snooze had morphed into a lengthy nap, and it was now the middle of the night.

She blinked around the shadows, considering whether she was too hot, too cold, or needed to use the bathroom, but no obvious ailment rose to answer her. The sound of Tucker’s gentle breathing behind her curled her lips, and for the longest time, she stayed stretched out at his side, reveling in that soft, rhythmic noise.

He was there with her. They were together.

Everything was all right.

The bubble of gratification swelled in her chest until her bladder decided she might as well tend to its needs before she went back to sleep. She’d padded halfway to the small en suite bathroom before the sound of footsteps down the corridor splintered her contented heart.


Her brow furrowed even as her heart sprinted. Someone was in the apartment! She moved to the door and pressed her ear to the wood.

What if I heard wrong?What if there’s no one there, and I’m overreacting?

The questions rebounded in her head as she attempted to listen for more movement beyond the threshold, but in truth, all she could hear was the pounding of her panicked heart.

She closed her eyes, willing herself composure. She had to know if the threat was real or imagined before she disturbed her lover. The cold dread that washed over her body when the noise resumed at what sounded like the other end of the corridor was genuinely chilling.

“Shit!” She raced back to the bed and shook Tucker gently. “Tucker, wake up!”

The last time one of them had thought they’d heard someone in the middle of the night, her roses had been abruptly decapitated. She couldn’t risk worse happening to her and the man she loved. They’d known Collins might come back, but she’d need Tucker’s help to deal with him.

“Hmmm?” He roused dozily, rolling to face her. “What’s wrong, little girl?”

“I heard someone.” Her voice was a hoarse whisper. “In the apartment.”

“What?” He was wide awake in a second, sitting bolt upright in the bed. “Where?”

“In the hall.” She gestured behind her as though he didn’t know where the hall was or was even able to see the signal in the half-light. “I heard footsteps.”

“Wait here.” He rose to his full height, finding her in the darkness and maneuvering her to one side as he made for the bedroom door.

“Wait!” she hissed, reaching for him. “You can’t just go out there, sir. What if whoever it is has a gun?”

He paused at that, turning to face her.

“Then I have to arm myself to defend us.” He shrugged, as though there was something inevitable about gunning down an assailant.

But then, she remembered, this wasn’t Tucker’s first time. She wasn’t even sure the guy he’d slain in the woods had been his first civilian kill. Despite her growing adoration of him, she wouldn’t have been surprised if he hadn’t been.

“I don’t keep guns in the bedroom, little girl, and we don’t have time to argue about this. I want you to lock yourself in the en suite bathroom and wait there until I tell you it’s safe.” His voice was low as he reasoned with her.

“I can’t.” Hysteria swirled inside her, threatening to spill over as a full emotional breakdown if she didn’t get a grip. “I’m not staying here and doing nothing. What if you get hurt? What if you—”

“Ella.” His deeper tone cut her off, though her pulse still sped out of control. “I have to act, and I need to know you’re safe.”

“But what about you?” Her hushed voice broke with the question. “I’ll be worried sick, sir.”

“I’ll be fine.” He leaned closer in the darkness. “I’ve been trained to deal with scum like this.”

“Tucker, I’m scared.” She pressed her palm against his hot flesh, suddenly reminded that they were both naked.