Ella’s heart raced with excitement as the buzzer chimed throughout the apartment, indicating that someone was waiting at the door downstairs.
Tucker’s brow creased. “Who the hell is that?”
He’d been in a constant state of anxiety about their welfare since the break-in, and whatever she did, it never seemed to quell his fears. That was why she’d ordered him the gift in the first place.
“It’s for me, sir.” She rushed to her feet, dodging his hand and sprinting from the rug to the hallway.
“What do you mean,it’s for you?” Inevitably, he was right behind her, his long strides closing the space between them as she fled to the elevator.
“I mean, I ordered something for you.” She spun to face him as the elevator whirred to life behind her.
It had been quite a challenge finding one of his security guys who was prepared to invite his wrath by accepting the delivery on her behalf. She’d also had to persuade him to override Tucker’s personal veto on the elevators and ensure the gift was brought personally to the apartment. She’d managed to convince Harris, though. Apparently, certain menwere still prepared to do her bidding if her smile was sweet enough.
“What the fuck is going on here?” He folded his arms across his strapping chest as his dark eyebrow cocked at her. “How is the elevator working without my say-so?”
“I had a little help, sir.” She blushed as he edged closer, aware of how much trouble both she and Harris could be in if Tucker’s mood didn’t improve.
“Is that right?” He sounded unimpressed, but as the silver doors slid open, he moved to stand protectively in front of her.
“Harris?” Skepticism dripped from his voice as his security guard stepped out of the mirrored cubicle. “What are you doing?”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Bowman.” Harris’ gaze glided between her and Tucker. “Miss Bennett asked if I’d take in this on her behalf.”
He motioned to the plant she’d managed to order on one of the rare occasions Tucker had let her out of his sight so she could use her phone in the bathroom. She’d ordered the gift with an existing credit account, having it delivered to his home.
“What is it?” Tucker hissed, his attention flitting between his lover and his employee.
“Miss Bennett?” Harris practically trembled as he shoved the plant in her direction.
“It’s for you.” She grabbed the ceramic pot and thrust it at Tucker. “I hope you like it.”
“Thank you, Harris.” Tucker’s glower inspired a chill to race along her spine. “We’ll speak about this later.”
The sound of Tucker’s deep inhalation echoed in the entranceway as the elevator slid closed and liberated Harris. He’d played his part and would forever have Ella’s gratitude.
“Little girl.” Tucker’s lower timbre resonated over her as he took the plant from her hands. “Why has Harris delivered a plant?”
“It’s from me, sir.” Christ, hadn’t she told him this already? “You’ve been so worried since the break-in, I wanted to get you a gift.”
His gaze darted to the plant before rising back to Ella.
“How did you get it delivered?” His inquiring tone barely disguised his anger.
“I… I asked the store to bring it…”
“How did you know where to get it delivered to?” His stare pierced her. “I never told you this address.”
“Oh.” Heat erupted on her cheeks as she realized the origins of his concerns. “I asked Harris for it, but please don’t be upset with him, sir. He was only trying to help me.”
“Right.” His jaw flexed. “So, you went behind my back, spoke to my security team, and asked for this address?”
Shit, it didn’t sound good when he put it like that.
“Yes.” There was no point lying about it. Ella had done all of those things, but she’d done them with the best of intentions. “I did those things, sir.”
“When did you reach out to Harris?” His gaze bored into her.
“The day after the break-in,” she confessed. “I waited until you were asleep, then contacted your team.”