“Kenner?” Apprehension furled in her tummy at the thought that the man who’d killed his mum could now be after him.
“Maybe.” His blue eyes bored into her. “Yes.”
“I will keep you safe.” His vow echoed across the counter to her.
“I know, sir.” She hadn’t even stopped to think about her safety. She was too consumed with Tucker’s obvious upset.
“I mean it.” He grasped her fingers. “My age means I have a litany of enemies, but you shouldn’t have to suffer for that.”
“Don’t be silly, sir.” She laughed at his derogatory self-talk, dismissing it out of hand. Her feelings for Tucker weren’t based on his age or lurid background, or if they were, it was only that those experiences had helped to shape him into the man she’d fallen for. “Those complications are a part of you, and you’re the one I want to be with.”
His lips curled at her answer. “Say that again.”
“What?” His firmer tone had caught her off guard.
“Say. That. Again.” He leaned closer, that knowing gleam in his eyes spiking her pulse once more.
“You’re the one I want to be with.” She exhaled the words in one long rush of air.
“Thank you.” His smile grew as he wrapped his fingers around hers. “You have no idea how much that means to me, little girl.”
“Oh, I think I might, sir.”
Suddenly, it didn’t matter that there was some kind of psychotic maniac on the loose who’d already contrived a way past Tucker’s security and had damaged the blooms he’d bought her. Staring at him, the only thing that mattered was the incessant intensity they shared and all the possibilities it could bring.
“I’m here for you.” She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. “Remember that. I didn’t have a choice in thewoods, but I have one now, and I’m choosing to be here with you. Whoever these madmen are, they won’t break us.”
“I love your spirit, but not as much as I fucking love you.”
His sandalwood scent washed over her, igniting that all too familiar fire inside. Pressing her weight onto her forearm, she rested her temple gently against his forehead.
“Did you just tell me that you loved me, sir?” Her head whirled as she registered the words.
No man had ever told her that before, not even the ones who’d promised her the moon and stars. Hypnotized by his gaze, she was grateful they hadn’t, glad this first time was with him.
“You heard me, little girl.” The smirk that lit up his handsome face was far more like the swine who’d captured and bound her and far less like the rattled one who’d summoned Ewan. “Yes, I love you, and I’ll forever be thankful that you chose me.”
Chapter Fourteen
Collins’ Mission
Pulling up in Kenner’s lavish drive, it was almost like old times.
Collins had once been Kenner’s favorite, and even though the older guy didn’t work in the military, he’d always suspected it was Kenner who pulled the strings to get him the numerous promotions that had increased his wealth and status since Bowman had slipped from his fingers. The problem with that theory was, if Kenner was instrumental in Collins’ rise, there was a real possibility he might also have had a hand in his recent decline.
Because he wanted me for this job.
Collins brooded on the thought as he parked his car and gazed up at the cloudy sky.
Because he can…
Kenner’s offer to assassinate Bowman may well have had an ulterior motive, but Collins was past caring. Bowman was the one who had got away from him, and after years of watching his back in case his old enemy showed up wanting recompense, Collins realized it would be a relief to bring the sorry incident to a close.