Page 32 of Absolution

Chapter Twelve

The Night Caller


Tucker’s eyes flew open, his brow furrowing at the half-light.

What time is it?

His ears strained at the engulfing silence, the only sound in the room coming from his little girl. Knowing she was there with him was a warming thought, but as he lay in the cold sheets, he couldn’t shake the idea that something was wrong.

Something had woken him. He was too startled to have woken naturally.

“Nothing’s wrong.” He whispered the words into the shadows, hoping that hearing them aloud would convince him of their truth, but somehow, they only sounded more vacant. He didn’t believe them because his every instinct told him he wasn’t right.


Something wasbadlywrong.

The adrenaline whipping around his body pumped through his veins until he had to know what had woken him. There would be no more rest until he did. His senses sharpened as he scanned the space for any sign that something was out of place.


Blowing out a breath, he determined to search the rest of the apartment. He had to knowfor surethat they were safe.

That she’s safe.

He slipped from the bed and checked his wristwatch.


The time flashing into the gloom confirmed his suspicions. It was late. He and Ella had been so exhausted after their session, they’d crashed out and slept for hours.

So, why did I wake up?

He turned back toward the bed as though Ella would announce the answer but was pleased to see she was still snuggled in the covers. The temptation to rejoin her was almost overwhelming, but something in his gut told him to stay awake, that there was danger, and he needed to act.

Tucker had learned to trust his instinct a long time ago, and he wouldn’t ignore it now.

He snuck from the bedroom, closing the door quietly before he crept to the main bathroom. There were ample spare robes in there, and he wanted to be semi-clothed in case he encountered something… or someone.

His breaths came faster as he secured the belt around his waist and walked to the door. Once more, he listened, certain there was something he should be hearing, but yet again, he heard nothing.

I’m just tired.

Relief resonated through his system as he leaned against the doorframe.

I just need to go back to bed with Ella and…

The sound of shuffling resounded down the hall, followed by what sounded like a snipping noise. He froze, the sudden sound stealing his breath.

Shit!He gasped.Someoneis here!

He peered around the corner, scanning the shadows for evidence of what he’d heard. Still nothing. Except this time, he knew he hadn’t imagined the noises. He knew he’d heardsomething.

He didn’t waste time wondering how the intruder had gotten into the apartment. He knew the elevator was locked, and only he and a select number of his security officials had access to the emergency stairwells. There would be time for an autopsy later.

His heart hammered faster as he glanced down at the closed bedroom door before looking in the other direction toward his study. Torn between the urge to go back to the bedroom and protect his little girl and the instinct to arm himself, he paused, aware of a feeling he rarely ever sensed in himself.