Page 26 of Absolution

“Wow!” The young valet’s jaw dropped as he acknowledged just how much cash Tucker had given him. “Thank you, sir! Thank you.”

Tucker smiled as he ushered Ella into the passenger seat, watching the valet dash away to share his news.

“That was generous, sir.” Ella reached for his hand as he climbed inside and started the engine.

“I have my moments.” He met her eyes briefly as the Lamborghini pulled away.

“Yes, you do.” She swallowed, glancing out at the traffic as though she wasn’t sure how to phrase whatever was coming from her tempting lips next. “I want to thank you for not only allowing Mum and I to have some time together but for being so open to the idea of us keeping in touch.”

“Of course, little girl.” He’d been happy when the two women had started making speculative plans.

For the first time, Ella didn’t feel like a possession he needed to cling tightly to. She was no longer a disposable pleasure he could take whenever he felt like it. She was a human being he respected and wanted to watch grow, but more than that, watching her smooth her hair back from her face, he was reminded that she was possibly the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen. Somehow, he’d hit the jackpot when their paths had crossed so unceremoniously in the forest.

“You need to have time with her and your friends, it’s just…” He gripped the wheel tighter as he skimmed his true feelings. Peering out from the windshield, he noticed the sun breaking from behind a large cloud. “I’d rather keep you close when you’re not with them.”

“It’s okay, sir.” She chuckled as she turned to face him. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily. Iwantto stay with you, remember.”

Thank God.

“I should think so.” He winked at her before peering back at the emerging sunshine. “You’re bound to need a dose of my discipline before long.”

“I’m sure.” She shifted against the leather, the protracted pause suggesting there was something else she wanted to say. “Er, can I ask you something, sir?”

The tone of her voice convinced him that whatever came next was about more than her next spanking.

“Always,” he answered, determined to hold his nerve. Whatever Ella wanted to know, he was determined to share it with her. From then on, there would be no more secrets.

“It’s about something you said at the restaurant.”

There and then he knew what it was she wanted to know. “About Kenner?”

“Right.” Her laughter sounded nervous. It was a sound he hadn’t heard since the cabin. “How did you know?”

“He is difficult to get past.” Tucker pushed the words through gritted teeth. Kenner was a hell of a lot more than only that.

“You said you had suspicions about his motive for hurting your mum, but you didn’t say anything more.” Her hands balled into fists. “Will you tell me now we’re alone?”

“I…” He hesitated, unsure how best to explain. Tucker had long held unsubstantiated beliefs about the man who’d stolen his mother, but he’d never spoken to anyone about them.I never trusted anyone enough to share… until Ella. “I want to, little girl, but it’s going to sound crazy.”

“Try me.” Her lips twisted. “I know a thing or two about crazy. You might be surprised.”

“Okay.” It was his turn to laugh as apprehension clawed at his stomach. How could he relay his inkling to her without seeming like a lunatic? They’d only just found a pleasurable equilibrium, and Tucker didn’t want to do anything to risk upsetting it.

Taking a deep breath, he shifted the car into a lower gear.

“I’ve always believed Kenner is my father.” His gut twisted as he finally vocalized his feelings. “I recall Mum saying my dad didn’t want anything to do with us but that he always sent us more than enough money.” He snorted with disgust. “That would be about right since Kenner is one of the richest men in the country.” Focusing on trying to calm his racing pulse, he went on. “I think he killed her when she confronted him about my paternity. I remember her taking meto his house one day, and the two of them argued. She wanted more than only his money. She wanted me to have a father…”

“Did you see what happened, sir?” Her tentative voice suggested she understood how sensitive her question was.

“Yes.” He gripped the wheel tighter. “They left me in a huge room on my own while they talked, and I got bored and went looking for my mum. I was hovering in the doorway when he picked up the gun. I know he’s responsible. I saw him shoot her.” His voice broke as he recalled the terrible day. “If a member of his staff hadn’t found me, he might have killed me as well. Kenner has hated me ever since.”

The two men had endured few encounters since Sarah’s death—Tucker had made sure of it, falling into the wrong crowd and doing most of his ‘growing up’ in expensive schools with his hoodlum mates—but Bennett had ensured recent events had changed that. Now, Kenner not only knew where Tucker was, but he was calling in the middle of the night. It was ironic that at the moment he’d finally found love in his life, the omnipresent threat of his scumbag father had reemerged.

Fortunately, Tucker knew how to look after himself. He had an army of security personnel at his disposal and, if required, enough hardware to see off all of Kenner’s goons. Hell, now that he thought about it, he was still driving around with the semi-automatic weapon he’d snatched from the red-haired mercenary in the woods. What was the betting that ugly moron had also been on Kenner’s payroll?

“Shit.” Ella’s face blanched. “But why would he do any of that?”

“Because he’s pregnant with power.” Tucker’s jaw tightened, hatred ballooning in his belly. It was one thing to lose a parent, but another to have to come to terms with the distinct possibility that his surviving parent was one of the vilest people on the planet.