She nodded at his rebuttal, backing slowly away before she turned on her heel, but as far as Tucker was concerned, she was already forgotten.
Lifting the glass to his lips, he sipped the cold water, wishing the power of his gaze alone could compel Ella to glance his way. He’d noticed the way she and her mother had ordered champagne, and while he didn’t begrudge her the expense, he hadn’t necessarily expected such an extravagance.
Why am I surprised?He bit back on his smile.That’s my little girl.
Based on everything Ella had told him about herself, indulgence was one of the things she did best.
His concentration drilled into the interaction between the two women.
What are they talking about?
His brow furrowed as he tried to imagine the topic of conversation. He was sure they were talking about what had happened since Bennett had left her in the forest, but what did that conversation sound like?
Was Ella telling her mother about him, and if so, what was she saying?
His hand tightened around his glass as his sense of impotency burgeoned. He had to get over there and find outwhat was being said. He could no longer tolerate passivity. It was time he stepped up and introduced himself.
Draining the rest of his drink, he slammed the glass back on the table, hoping to elicit Ella’s attention, but the cloth, coupled with the droning music that Osbourne’s was piping out, meant it failed to be effective. She didn’t glance his way.
“Fuck this.”
He slid from his chair and rose from his table before striding around the edge of the dining room. His pace slowed as he neared Ella’s table, his ears straining to make out any of their conversation.
“Don’t worry.” Ella’s alluring tone captured his focus. “I have no plans to get pregnant.”
His brow rose. He should bloody hope not, although there had been multiple times they’d had sex without protection when they’d been at the cabin and first arrived at his apartment.
He paused, fleetingly struck by his stupidity. What had he been thinking, screwing her without a condom? His throat dried as the answer flitted through his brain.
I was thinking with my dick.
“That’s the last thing I’d want.” Ella’s amused voice filtered through his internal monologue, drawing his gaze back to her.
“I’m glad to hear it.” Her mother’s fingertips grazed the back of her daughter’s hand. “Whoever this guy is, I’ll need to meet him before I can give anything akin to my blessing.”
“Right.” Ella laughed. “Well, that’s easy to resolve, Mum.” She fidgeted in her place, then, as though she finally sensed the intensity of Tucker’s stare, she turned around to meet his gaze. “As it turns out, he wants to meet you, too.”
“Ella?” Susie’s brow creased as her gaze moved between her daughter and Tucker. “Who’s this?”
He flashed the women his most devastating smile while he waited for his little girl to make the introductions.
“Mum.” Ella rose, gesturing to Tucker. “This is Tucker.”
“You’re Tucker!” Susie’s eyes were as large as saucers as she took him in. “You’re the guy who took her to his cabin in the woods?”
“I’m Tucker Bowman, Ms. Bennett.” He thrust his palm in her direction. “It’s lovely to meet you.”
“My name is Bradshaw.” Disgust echoed in her tone as she surveyed his hand with suspicion. “I’ve never been a Bennett!”
“Apologies.” He removed his hand, jarred to have been spurned by a woman he didn’t even know, yet understanding her distrust. Ella had just spent the last hour telling her mother about what had happened to her, and now the man at the center of the ordeal had come to join them.
“Tucker, why don’t you join us?” Ella shifted to the seat on her left, and he gratefully took her place.
“What are you doing here?” Susie sneered. “I’ve come to talk to my daughter. Not you.”