The Tiny Patter
Almost four years later
“What have I told you about finger painting in the house, little girl?” Tucker raised his hands like an angry animal and roared playfully at the toddler in front of him. Rather than inducing fear, though, his allegedly terrifying display only provoked giggles.
“Not in the house!” Taylor attempted to dodge her father’s large hands as she dashed away, but Tucker caught her with ease, lifting her into his arms.
“That’s right.” He sighed theatrically as he carried her toward the bathroom. “Not in the house, yet here I find you with red and blue fingertips.”
“Hang on.” Ella eased herself forward, blowing out a breath as she surveyed the size of her swelling belly. “I’ll help.”
She tended not to call Tucker ‘sir’ in front of Taylor. Their daughter was fast becoming a parroting chatterbox, and Ella didn’t want her mimicking the term. But in the bedroom, when their little monkey was finally asleep, Ella was happy to use the honorific. So much had changed in her life in the past few years that, in many ways, she was surprised how much it still excited her. But it always did.
She inched along the seat, her hand on her stomach. Being pregnant with Taylor three years ago had been relatively straightforward. She couldn’t recall being this big and uncomfortable until she was full term, but the newest member of their family already seemed intent on making things difficult. She still had weeks to go until the baby’s due date and already felt like a beached whale.
“No.” Tucker paused in the doorway and threw her a commanding stare. Even after all the time they’d been together, that one glare could still send her pulse racing. “You stay there. Daddy’s going to take care of this monkey!”
He held Taylor up to his face and blew a raspberry onto her exposed belly. She howled with delight, her arms and legs kicking as he hauled her in the direction of the bathroom.
Relieved at the reprieve, Ella sank back against the sofa. She’d come to appreciate the benefits of having Tucker around for her and Taylor. Her friend, Julia, had also had a baby, but Ella could see how much harder it was for her because her partner needed to work most days to support them. True, the guy had a great job, which brought home six figures, but they also enjoyed a lifestyle that required him to maintain that income.
Whenever she caught up with Julia, she seemed to be alone with her baby, Nicholas, and even his father’s offer to employ a nanny hadn’t placated her. Julia wanted to raise Nicholas without another woman in the house. She just wished Nicholas’ father would occasionally be home to be involved, too.
Ella’s brows knitted as she contemplated her friend’s quandary. She had compassion for Julia’s situation, but morethan ever, it helped her to realize how blessed she was to have Tucker. His wealth brought financial freedom for their growing family. Neither she nor Tucker worried about having enough time for Taylor and their growing bump. They had all the time in the world together.
“That’s better.” The man who’d made such a difference in her life appeared back in the lounge doorway and placed Taylor down on her feet. “Now, no more painting without Daddy’s help!”
“I love painting!” Taylor squealed as she ran into the playroom across the hall.
“She never stops, does she?” He shook his head. “I’d better go and check on her.”
“It’s okay.” Ella reached for her phone and flicked on the nanny cam device in the playroom. The small camera, hidden in one of the large photo frames on the dresser, meant they could watch what Taylor was doing from the comfort of the couch. The picture flashed onto her screen, showing Taylor sitting on the rug with her favorite teddies. “I can watch her from here if you need a break.”
“A break?” Tucker strode toward her. “The only reason I’d need a break from my gorgeous little girl was if my other gorgeous little girl needed me.”
It was unusual to hear him call her his ‘little girl’ these days, and Ella smiled at his vocabulary.
“I’m fine.” She reached for his hand as he neared. “I love seeing you and Taylor together.”
“She’s a blast.” He grinned, watching Ella’s phone as he crouched down by her side. “But she’s bloody exhausting.”
“She’s three years old, sir.” Ella lowered her voice as she whispered the final word. “She has a lot of energy.”
“Well, that makes one of us.” His hand settled on her shoulder and squeezed. “I’m an exhausted old man, and you’re busy doing an important job with this one.” He gestured to her baby bump.
“That’s why I have my mum on standby for this one’s arrival.” She turned to look at him. “Taylor will enjoy the time with Grandma.”
“It’s good to know she’ll be safe.” His free hand rested gently on her stomach, inspiring the baby to kick out in his direction.
“The baby knows you’re here.” She moved his palm closer to where she felt the fidgety movements. “They can hear you.”
“Of course, they can.” He leaned forward and placed a kiss on the side of her belly. “Our babies are beautifulandsmart.”
“I think this one’s tired.” Ella chuckled as she gestured to the screen in her left hand. There, curled up on the lap of one giant teddy, was their wonderful little daughter.
“Bless her.” Tucker stared at the screen, and as he turned back to Ella, there was no denying the love shining in his eyes.