“Why, sadly?” Ella couldn’t recall Tucker telling her about how he and her father had first met.
Tucker glanced in her direction, the newfound ferocity burning in his eyes spiking her heart rate.
Had she crossed an unspoken line in the proverbial sand? He hadn’t mentioned that she should avoid such a query.
“Let’s just say the mutual friends Bennett and I shared were architects of the saddest times in my life.” He refilled his glass before offering Susie and Ella a top-up.
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Susie offered a small smile as she accepted her refreshed glass of water.
“Me, too.” Staring into Tucker’s gaze, she was reminded of his sorrowful expression when he’d told her about his mother being shot. Was that what he referred to now? “We understand if you don’t want to talk about those times.”
“It’s okay.” His hand moved to envelop hers. “I’m here to be open and honest with you and your lovely mother.”
“Are you sure?”Sir.The final word was perched on the edge of her lips, yet somehow, she held it back. She couldn’t imagine trying to explain the complicated power dynamic between her and Tucker to her already overwhelmed mother. There were times Ella could barely understand it herself.
“I’m sure.” His palm glided to squeeze her fingertips before trailing invisible lines over them. “Ask away.”
“Is this about your mum?” Ella tensed as she asked, conscious of what a justifiably sensitive subject his mother’s passing was. All she knew so far was that his mother had been shot, but looking into his eyes, she couldn’t help but wonder if her demise had something to do with those alleged ‘friends’ Tucker and Alexander had shared.
“That’s right.” His fingertips hesitated over hers.
“Was her passing linked to these so-called mutual friends you shared with Alexander?” Ella’s heart hammered faster as she sensed she edged closer to the truth.
“It was.” His gaze softened as his attention darted to his glass.
“Your mother’s dead?” Susie frowned.
“I’m afraid so.” Tucker dragged his gaze to meet Susie’s. “She was shot by Joel Kenner.”
Part Two
Chapter Nine
The Past - Revealed
“Joel Kenner?” Ella’s voice was thick with dread, her green stare fixed on him. “You mean the guy who called to gloat about your cabin?”
“The very same.” Unease twisted his insides as he recalled the phone call Ella referred to. They’d both been sound asleep before the cretin had telephoned to obliterate their calm. It had taken Ella more than an hour to reassure him after the unwelcome intrusion.
Tucker had managed to have nothing to do with Kenner for decades, then abruptly, he crawled out from the rock he’d been hiding under with yet more bad news. But that was Kenner all over. He was just like the insects that lived behind those stones. Once disturbed, they were damn near impossible to exterminate.
“Kenner was the one who shot her?” Concern flashed in Ella’s eyes as she pressed a second palm over his, capturing it between her two hands.
“Yes.” It never got any easier to admit, though sitting there with his new love and her mother, he wasn’t sure why he’d felt the need to wear his heart on his sleeve.
Tucker was usually good at keeping his private life to himself. It had been years since he’d truly dwelled on Sarah’s murder, and even when he’d divulged a little of what had transpired to Ella, he hadn’t allowed himself to linger on the details. He’d learned long ago that nothing good was inspired in that dark place. That’s why he’d kept the memories locked away so deeply.
“Your mother was shot?” A crease appeared on Susie’s brow. “Oh God! I’m so sorry, Tucker.”
“Yeah.” His breath caught as her sympathy rebounded around the table. Evidently, both women were sorry for his situation—he could tell that from their widening eyes and worried looks—but their sorrow did nothing to resurrect Sarah nor fill the years that he’d missed out on having a mother.
Why am I telling them this?His focus rose to Susie’s compassionate expression.They don’t need to know about Sarah or Kenner.
Yet even as he pulled his glass of water closer, he already sensed it was a lie. For this thing between him and Ella to have any chance, they needed total honesty, and that meant any old skeletons he’d hidden would have to be dragged from their closets.