He nodded, moving back to his chair.
“You want a candy cane or a spoon to stir it?”
His face lit up, and his cheeks widened with a grin. “Candy cane.”
I mean, what other option was there?
“No boring spoons,” I announced as I ruffled his hair and made his hot cocoa, unwrapping a candy cane and dropping it into the mug. When I handed it over, Jakey began to stir, noting how the peppermint scent filled the room as he stirred.
“Wow, it’s magic,” he observed, watching the candy cane slowly melt into the chocolatey goodness.
My heart melted with it as I took the chair beside him, sipped on my drink, and crunched on the remainder of the candy cane. It was early, about five in the morning before we retreated to the living room, where I put on a holiday movie and settled on the couch.
Jakey snuggled into my right side after I removed Jonah from his bouncy seat. I ended up far too warm and comfortable, hardly able to keep my eyes from closing as Jakey’s soft snores reached my ears. Little Jonah was pressed against my upper chest as I held him with one hand, my other arm wrapped around Jakey.
Being a father, husband, and provider for my family has become my greatest achievement. I would trade nothing about the hard years it took to ready me for this.
Rowe found us cuddled together as the sun rose, bathing the living room in soft amber light. Her hand rested over her heart. I caught the sheen of tears as she sniffled.
“Hey, my love. Good morning.”
“Good morning. How long have you all been up?”
“Since three,” I admitted, fighting a yawn.
“How about I feed Jonah and make some breakfast? You can take a nap with Jakey.”
“Sounds perfect.”
As soon as she walked away with Jonah, I closed my eyes. It seemed only a few seconds later that Rowe was pressing her soft lips to mine. Waking up to her kisses was my favorite way to greet the day.
“Wake up, my handsome husband.”
Jakey giggled. “Am I handsome?”
“Of course!” Rowe answered, tickling our boy. “And cute. Sweet. Adorable. Talented. And very, very ticklish.”
He slid to the floor, scrambling to get away as I laughed. “Breakfast ready?”
“Yep. I even made you cheesy grits.”
My hand slapped over my heart. “Woman, you’re absolutely perfect. I love you.”
She smirked. “Love you too.”
Later that afternoon, as I helped Rowe put up the Christmas tree and string the lights, Rael and Nylah stopped for a visit. The twins rushed down the hall to Jakey’s room and I heard him laugh as they entered, enthusiastically greeting the two mini versions of the club’s S.A.A.
Rowe and Nylah left us and decided to bake some holiday cookies as I draped the different strands of garland and finished hanging ornaments on the tree. Tomorrow, Rowe would put out the rest of the holiday decorations, but I stuck to the tree, the mantel on the electric fireplace, and the outdoor illumination. I’d already put up the icicle lights along the front porch and over the garage the previous weekend. As I finished with the final touches and stacked the boxes so I could return them to the garage later, I noticed the scent of cinnamon, sugar, and vanilla coming from the kitchen.
“Hey, my reason for living,” I called out.
Rowe’s sexy voice answered, “Yes, my voracious husband?”
“Got anything sweet for me to eat?”
She didn’t skip a beat when she answered in a sing-song voice. “That’s for later, Mammoth.”
Rael chuckled. “I didn’t think it could get any cheesier with you two.”