“No idea. She already has me, the perfect gift.”

Chrome snorted. “Right. Well, on the off chance she actually wants a present, what are you thinking?”

“That Cam would make something leather and braided for a new toy.” I shrugged as he laughed. “What?”

“That’s a gift for you, not her, you dipshit.”

I couldn’t help laughing because he was right. “Well, fuck.”

“Yeah, fuck.”

The door opened, and Papa entered, shaking snow from his boots. He might have dusted some flakes from his hair, too, but I couldn’t tell because he’d gone full fucking white in the last year.

“Hey, Santa,” I greeted him.

Papa flipped me off.

That bothered him? “What’s the matter? Lose Rudolf?”

I got two middle fingers in response that time.

Oh, I loved where this was going. “You seem grumpy. Are all the Santa jobs at the mall taken?”

Chrome coughed to hide his laughter.

Papa scowled. “It’s a badge of honor to go gray.”

“You’re not gray,” Chrome pointed out.

Papa narrowed his eyes. “I’m aware of that, asshole.”

Surly bastard.

“You playin’ Santa for the kids? There’s no need for anyone else to do it. You already got the look down.”

Papa heaved a sigh, stomped in my direction, took a few steps, stopped, and turned around, leaving The Crossroads. I almost felt bad. But he could do whatever the fuck he wanted and usually did, which meant the white hair was a sore subject.

Goddamn. I lived for this shit. I grinned, glad I had a reason to fuck with him for the entire month of December.

Scythe chuckled.You won’t be the only one.

Chapter 2 Mammoth

December 2nd—

The baby monitor beside my head began wailing as I heard my infant son’s needy, angry cries. My eyes snapped open as my Reaper prodded me, but he didn’t need to give me the boost. I already woke up with Jonah’s first whimper. Any noise he made had me instantly alert.

In fact, this was the first night I didn’t linger over his crib for an extra half hour after he closed his eyes, just to be sure he was breathing, warm, contented, and resting. Maybe it was a bit extreme, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from the perfect baby I had the honor to be the father of.

Two amazing, tiny humans brought into my life because of Rowe. I sat up, blinked the sleep from my eyes, and shuffled into the nursery, careful not to wake my wife. Jonah must have sensed my presence because his cries grew shrill as I reached into the crib and carefully lifted him. At only ten pounds, he was so tiny.

My poor little guy had a wet bottom, and I couldn’t blame him for being upset about it. I changed his diaper, remembering to keep his bottom half covered so he didn’t pee all over me like he did the first day I brought him home. Both Rowe and Jakey laughed for days, and I couldn’t resist a smile at the memory.

I cradled my boy to my chest and smiled when he instantly fell asleep. He’d be up soon and ready to eat, so I didn’t bother putting him back in bed. Instead, I held him close to my neck, where he liked the warmth and my scent. I learned about skin-to-skin in the hospital and took time every day to nap with him like that. Rowe and Jakey did it, too.

Patting Jonah’s back, I returned to my room, pausing to check on Rowe. She’d been a champ in the delivery room despitea difficult birth, and the bruising, soreness, and pain were fading. I watched her as she slept, marveling that I got to call her mine. Rowe was one of the strongest women I ever met. She repeatedly proved that with her fierce love for her children and sticking by my side. For better or worse, right?

Fuck, I was fortunate. Some would say blessed. I couldn’t argue that I had everything I ever wanted.