Christmas had been saved. Even better? Santa was back on the nice list and so were all the kids.

Chapter 11 Shadow

Christmas Eve—

“You need any help, my Star?”

Stefanie shook her head. “No. We already loaded the mural into the truck.”

My ol’ lady was the most talented person I ever met. She could paint a sunset with colors so vivid you could feel the warmth coming through the canvas. There wasn’t much she couldn’t create, and she proved that with the masterpiece we planned to give to the club tonight during the annual Christmas party.

For the last three months, Stefanie had worked tirelessly on the mural, staying up late too often to finish it in time for Christmas. I knew she loved to paint, but I struggled with the idea that she pushed herself to the limit and beyond. The urge to protect her, growl, and drag her to bed had overcome me more than once, but at least I could say the gift was finally finished. Well, both of them.

“I’ve got Cody bundled up. You should see him in that new snowsuit. He looks like that kid from A Christmas Story. The one who couldn’t put his arms down,” I laughed.

“Tell me you didn’t wrap a scarf around him a hundred times,” she giggled.

“Nope. He does have a hat and mittens.”

“As he should.” Stefanie applied lip gloss and set down her makeup, turning to me with a smile. “Let’s go celebrate.”

“We’ve got a lot to be thankful for this holiday season.”

“We do.” She pecked my cheek, and I grinned. “You sure we don’t have time for a quickie.”

Stefanie blushed. “No. Stop. Don’t get me thinking about that right now.”

“I won’t until after the party.”

She smirked. “Come on.”

We loaded the truck and buckled Cody into his car seat. Once we arrived at The Crossroads, we parked the truck close to the entrance and I enlisted help unloading our gift to the club.

Stefanie brought Cody inside and then unloaded the dishes she’d made. Grim and Trish had roasted three hams and two turkeys, and the smell of seasoned meat collided with sweet scents like peppermint, cinnamon, nutmeg, and allspice. Enlisting help, I erected several long tables and covered them with red and green tablecloths.

The ol’ ladies began filling them with holiday dishes since we decided on a buffet-style dinner, where everyone brought something to pass around. Silver pans kept all the main dishes hot. I spotted everything from mashed potatoes, homemade macaroni and cheese, and green beans with bacon and onion to cheesy, decadent potatoes, deviled eggs, and candied yams. Fresh rolls and biscuits had been buttered and stacked on a massive silver platter.

Another table held snacks like cheese, crackers, veggies, ranch dip, pickles, and fruit. On its own table, nearly groaning with the weight, desserts piled high. Stacks of brownies, holiday cookies, spiced cake rolls, and chocolates made my mouth water.

Stefanie stood beside the drink table and poured Sprite into an enormous crystal punch bowl. She had the best holiday or birthday punch recipe, and I helped her open the 2 liters of ginger ale, fruit punch, and frozen rainbow sherbet. Once she had it all in the bowl, it looked delicious, and the concoction smelled terrific. The kids would love it.

On the adult table, where we could keep an eye on it, the ladies stacked bottles of our favorite booze. But the biggest attraction in the room centered on the eight-foot tree grimerected and the obscene number of gifts waiting to be opened. The kids were already running around with excited squeals.

Grim whistled once everything had been set out and the food was ready. “Need everyone to take a seat.”

Five minutes later, every adult and child had found a spot.

“We’ve got a special gift tonight from Shadow and Stefanie. I’ve known about this project for months, and it’s killed me to stay quiet about it,” Grim joked.

Several people chuckled.

“But it’s ready, so I want to call them both up to present the club with our new mural.”

Murmurs rose in the crowd as I led Stefanie to the front. We picked up the heavy piece with a little help and slowly began to unwrap it. As the canvas became exposed, gasps echoed around us. I saw the astonishment on my friends’ faces and couldn’t help my grin.

Stefanie’s portrait of all the club members gathered around our table with the RBMC logo in church was breathtaking. A few of the guys slapped their hands over their hearts. A couple blinked, fighting their emotions. But not a single man looked untouched by the tribute to the men in this room.

“Wow,” Grim finally spoke, swallowing hard. “I haven’t seen it finished yet. Stefanie, I don’t have words. It’s extraordinary.”