“I know,” he grumbled.
Gavin threw icing and sprinkles at Gage, and he shrieked as some of it got in his eye. A shrill wail followed.
Rael rushed to his twins, scooping them up before heading to the bathroom. Judging by the mess, he’d be cleaning them up for at least fifteen minutes.
“HOW DO YOU THINK THEguys are doing?” I asked, trying not to moan as the masseuse rubbed my swollen feet. I didn’t have ankles anymore, I had cankles. “I’m still not convinced they could handle all the kids alone.”
Sasha snorted. “Bodie is probably covered in markers and crumbs from Maverick’s snacks.”
“I bet Rael fell asleep,” Nylah laughed. “The twins exhaust him. If not, he’s running ragged after them as they create another mess.”
“Gavin and Gage are a handful like Creed,” I agreed. “Do you think we’ll walk into a disaster?”
“Without a doubt,” Mimi agreed. She pressed her hands to her chest. “I need to pump. My breastmilk supply is crazy good, but I leak like a faucet all the damn time.”
She was thrilled, though. I could see it. “Patriot is so happy to have another son, especially a child that shares his DNA. He’s already talking about trying for another one.”
“So is Bodie,” Sasha sighed. “I love that he’s so enthusiastic.”
“Oh, they have no problem with that,” Bess agreed. “Papa just wants to practice all the time.”
Giggles erupted around the room. Yeah, we talked about this while we all lounged on massage tables. Who cared what other people thought? We didn’t. The Tonopah Ol’ Ladies weren’t going to censor our conversation just because we were in public. The only exception to that was any talk of the Reapers or club details.
We finished our afternoon at the spa and headed home. I could barely stand on my own, and Sasha laughed as she helped me get out of the car.
“You look like you’re going to go into labor any minute.”
“Tell that to my cervix,” I deadpanned. I was a week beyond my due date. My baby boy didn’t want to come out and meet his brother yet.
“I think you should say that to Grim.”
Ha. Or Ghrowl. He would enjoy trying to bring on my labor through sex. Grim would worry too much.
I noticed the decorations outside the clubhouse as we rode onto the lot, followed by a couple of prospects who stayed and provided escort to and from the spa. When I first met Grim, he didn’t celebrate many holidays. Now, the whole club participated in any event I wanted. My man spoiled me, and I loved it. My gaze flicked over the colorful lights strung up outside around the covered picnic area and the roof of The Crossroads. The festive décor made me smile. I loved this time of year.
Grim ordered Rael to put up the inflatable biker Santa Claus with several presents, a snowman, and a few reindeer. He also had to decorate the inside with the prospects. Nine months after Rael took me to the pharmacy after Grim ordered me to stay at The Crossroads because of Razr’s threats, he still had to do shit for Grim. Rael managed to keep on his president’s shit list the whole year.
Most of the guys got a kick out of seeing Rael grovel. Grim never relented. Well, he was coming around in the last few weeks.
Sasha held onto my elbow and glanced at my belly. “I could swear you’re ready to pop.”
“Ugh, don’t say it like that.”
She giggled as we reached the clubhouse door. We headed inside and. . . into chaos.
Wrapping paper, tape, and rolls of ribbon were scattered across the floor. Food scraps. Crumbs. Candy wrappers.
Holiday cookies from the bake-off we recently had. Open bags of chips and pretzels. Multiple strands of lights, some plugged in and twinkling, others unlit. Bows had been pressed all over the common room on furniture, kids, and some of the club members. A few toys and unwrapped presents were now on display. Two games were open. One already had pieces missing.
The only thing I didn’t see? Alcohol.
All the dads looked dazed, slumped back on several of the leather couches. Not a child remained awake. They had all probably crashed after the sugar rush wore off. Gavin and Gage slept on a blanket close to Rael’s feet. Creed must have been upstairs, tucked into bed. As I caught the big tree in the corner, covered in spray-can cheese sauce, I frowned.
“What in the actual fuck?” I asked as my gaze slid over Grim.
He opened his mouth and then promptly shut it. No defense.