“My Raven,” I murmured, pulling her closer so I could kiss her sweet lips. “I knew the second I saw you. It hit me like afucking truck.” I touched the skin over my heart where I’d gotten the raven tattoo that reminded me of her. “Right here.”
She tapped her heart. “Right here, my Country.”
My hands moved to her hips, gripping the curves as they flared outward, and pumped her up and down my cock as we both moaned. I slid my gaze over the woman I loved and brushed the soft skin of her belly, marveling that she’d given me a gift six months earlier.
Our son, Asher.
Neither of us ever thought we’d have the life we do now. We’d been two broken, blackened souls when we met. Victims of a horrible past we never could escape, we’d been lost, writhing in pain and suffering in silence. And for a time, we were torn apart.
Two vicious years threatened to destroy us. They nearly did. But we fought and clawed our way back, facing the horrors that children should never experience. That was the life of a child taken into sexual slavery. I’d been kidnapped and abused. My Heather suffered a similar fate as a child. She was rescued, but the damage was done.
And when we returned to one another, we swore to end the cult that believed sex with children was a way to seek God’s favor. Our task still waited to be completed. Now that we had Asher, we stayed vigilant. He would never live with those scars on his soul.
“I lost you,” Heather whispered. “Come back to me.” Her palm rested against my cheek, imploring me to leave the nightmares behind.
I blinked, focusing on the sensations of my body and the rigid length of my dick as she rode me. Holding her to me, I snapped my hips, driving harder and deeper into my woman. We came together, panting as Heather’s arms circled my neck.
She breathed into my ear, shuddering as her body pressed to mine. “They can’t take him, Spook.”
When she wanted the biker and the Reaper, she called me Spook, my road name. I knew that meant she needed the warrior, the ruthless demon who would slay all her monsters.
“They will never touch our son,” I growled. The Reaper’s voice joined mine as she lifted her head, staring into my eyes.
“I know you’ll protect him.”
She wasn’t talking to me.
“I will.”
Relief danced across her features before her shoulders lost their tension. We still had to find some of the members of the cult and ensure they never harmed another child. I wouldn’t rest until every last one of their souls was reaped and sent to Lucifer.
“I love you, Heather.” Brushing the dark hair from her face, I kissed her.
She opened her mouth to answer when the baby monitor revealed that Asher had woken. A smile transformed her features, and the darkness was banished.
“I’ll get our precious boy.”
“Feed him in bed. I want to be close to you both.”
Heather nodded, quickly dressed and headed into Asher’s room. Five minutes later, she leaned against me, feeding him a bottle as I held them in my arms.
I didn’t need a present this Christmas. I’d been given my heart’s desire. Truly happy, I brushed Asher’s tiny head of soft black curls, knowing there was no greater gift than his birth.
Well, with one exception. My Raven had become my greatest treasure, too.
“What did you want?” I asked as she burped Asher, and he fell asleep on her chest.
“A new controller for my Xbox. I want to play that game where you decorate and flip houses.”
Adorable. “You didn’t have to seduce me for it.”
“Oh, I know, but where’s the fun without it?”
A chuckle escaped my lips. “Yeah, I hear you, my Raven.”
WRAITH DROPPED BY FORa visit the following morning. He came alone, which was a bit odd since Tawni usually spent time with Heather. Most of the club members stopped by often to see Asher, so I didn’t think anything was up until Wraith pulled me aside.
“Got something for you.” He cleared his throat. “It’s an early Christmas gift.”