After a big breakfast, our boy retreated to his room, stuck his headphones over his ears, and turned on his Xbox. I knew he didn’t hear us because when he played games, he didn’t notice shit.
“You’re so naughty, saying that to rile me up.”
Smirking, I squeezed her bottom, sliding a finger between her cheeks and lower, right into her slick pussy. “What a mess you made down there, Babe. I can feel all the cum.”
“Then you should clean me up.”
“What if I just want to make you dirty again?”
She rolled onto her back, tugging me with her. Her thighs opened, and I added another finger, slowly pumping the digits in and out as her pussy made wicked wet sounds. I lowered my head, nipping at one of her erect nipples, teasing the soft flesh with my tongue.
“My Papa,” she rasped, arching her back and rolling her hips.
“So fucking needy.” I withdrew my fingers, licked them clean, and lined up my dick, teasing her opening as she bucked. “Hey, now. Stay still so I can shove my cock in you.”
She bit her lip, shaking her head. “Your pillow talk needs work.”
Oh? “What about my dick?”
“Oh, he’s perfect.”
Yeah, I thought so.
It was another hour before we showered and left the bedroom, walking past Noah’s door. He hadn’t opened it since we last saw him, so I knew my boy was busy. I heard him talking to his friends on the mic and led Bess downstairs.
Savage hopped up as soon as he saw us, wagging his tail. He’d parked his butt by his bowls, knowing I’d give him treats as soon as I saw him. He wasn’t wrong. I spoiled the fuck out of my dog. It got worse when Bess, Noah, and I got the new house together. Now, Savage was as far from his name as possible. I didn’t think he was capable of doing anything but eating, pooping, demanding affection, and expecting treats.
“Savage, no.” I tried to be strong.
He knew it wouldn’t last. A whine left his throat before he stared up at me with those big chocolate-brown eyes.
“No,” I repeated. “You’ve got food.”
Bess giggled. “He knows you’ll give in.”
“That’s because he’s an asshole.” He came by it naturally since I helped create the monster he became.
Savage barked. Twice.
“Oh, Papa. He’s a good boy.” Her voice got all squishy and sweet, and Savage opened his mouth, his tongue flopping out as he tilted his head. “Aw. He’s not even begging.”
No, he didn’t need to beg anymore. I gave in because he was cute and intelligent, and maybe he wasn’t that much of an asshole after all. “Come here, Savage.”
He trotted over to us, lifting his head to gaze into my eyes with love that only animals could convey. There was just something about their unconditional affection and joy that made life better. Savage did that for us. Our family loved this dog so fucking much.
“Fine.” I gave in, giving him a few treats.
His nose bumped into my hand, and I gave him one more.
“That’s it.”
A whine left his throat.
“This is it. I mean it.”
After three more treats, a few strokes of his fur, and a bark, he left out the back door to take care of business.
Bess shook her head. “You’re such a softie.”