Page 3 of My Christmas Biker

With that mandate, we had no choice but to wait. I didn’t like it, but I nodded my assent.

Judge picked up the gavel and slammed it down. “Church is over, brothers. Get lost. I need to talk to Brick.”

Well, shit.

The chapel emptied, leaving only Judge, Titan, and me.

“What you need, Pres?”

Judge sighed. “Don’t do anything stupid.”

“Like?” I asked, because his definition and mine probably varied on this subject.

“Messing with Butcher, digging into his location, or hunting him down for a start.”

Judge knew me well. We’d practically started in this club at the same time, both young, eager, barely twenty, and hoping to score pussy and a good time. His father, Thorn, had raised him to be a leader. I never doubted he’d take the president seat when Thorn vacated it.

I shrugged.

“I need your word, Brick.”

“Fine. I won’t do any of the things mentioned above.”

He snorted. “Not good enough.”

Titan snickered.

“I won’t fucking touch Butcher until it’s time.” My jaw ticked as fury boiled under my skin. This wait would fucking kill me. “What about Ciara and Ginny?”

“I’m planning a visit this afternoon.”

I didn’t ask if he wanted me to ride along. He’d have said so if he did which meant he didn’t want me complicating a delicate situation. He’d take Titan, and that would suffice.

Still, I didn’t like that Ciara, Hesh’s ol’ lady, and his daughter could be in danger. “You need me, call.”

“You’re spending Christmas with Nan.” His lips twitched. “She’d have my ass if I pulled you away for club business on Christmas.”

“Yeah, she would,” I agreed, shaking my head. “I’d like to know they’re both safe once your visit is over.”

“I’ll text you,” Judge promised. “Give Nan a kiss for me.”

“She’ll want to see you.”

“I’ll try.”

Judge didn’t like the holidays, and I respected his reasons. If I’d been through the shit he had, I wouldn’t want anything to do with it either. It was the reason we never celebrated Christmas in the club. Not my story to tell, though.

I stood, trying not to focus on all the shit this news about Butcher dredged up. An hour later, I sat on my hog, staring at the fence surrounding our compound. The razor wire kept our property safe, but I had to wonder what it meant for the club that Butcher had been released early.

Would the peace we fought so hard to achieve last when blood spilled from our hands and vengeance stained our fingers an incriminating crimson?


I turned my head, ticking my chin as Dagger approached. “Hey, Dag.”

“You headin’ up to Denver tomorrow?”

“Yeah. Never miss a chance to eat my ma’s cookin’.”