“Natalia’s worth more than an old car that doesn’t run,” I say in the grimmest tone I can muster up.
He squints a little.
His English is basic, so he probably doesn’t understand.
I pull out my phone and open the translation app I’ve been using the last few days.
He reads over my shoulder and frowns.
“What you want?” he grumbles, his eyes darkening.
“I…” I have no fucking idea. How do you ask for alittlemore than a classic car? “What about a goat?” I blurt.
“Goat?” He stares at me.
He points to my phone.
Oh my god.
I just asked him for agoat.
For his daughter.
In additionto a 1978 classic Corvette.
What the hell is wrong with me?
Now I have no choice but to type in the word.
He reads it and I can practically see the wheels turning.
“Okay.” He turns and walks back into the house.
What the hell did I just do?
And where am I going to keep a goat at the palace?
Sandor is going to kill me.
Natalia probably won’t be thrilled either.
I close my eyes and mentally count to ten.
It might just be better if go ahead and run, even if the guys attacking us have nothing to do with me.
* * *
We don’t leaveuntil much later than anticipated.
Not only was there the whole goat disaster, Natalia’s father took this as a sign of our engagement, so when we sat down for lunch there was a celebration. Including doing shots of some kind of Limaji moonshine that probably added some hair to my already hairy chest.
Natalia seems more amused than annoyed, luckily, but she doesn’t know about the goat yet.
And then apparently she gets the green light to bring Lucianna, Greta, and baby Ryann back to Hiskale with us. Greta will go to preschool during the day and Casey graciously offered to let Levi’s nanny help with the baby so Lucianna can sleep while Greta and Levi are at school.
We have to pack up Lucianna and Greta’s things, which sends Pieter into a rage, and I have to physically restrain him while Natalia, Femke, and their mother finish up. Pieter also shows up at the hospital, screaming bloody murder about kidnapping and how I can’t take his family from him. Greta is hysterical, Lucianna looks terrified, and the hospital staff is very confused.