And I have to find a way to reconcile the two before I can make any kind of decision.
Paris has always beena bucket list destination for me. The kind of place you read about in books and see pictures of in movies. In some ways it doesn’t feel real that I’m not only here, but I’m here with Cooper.
The fact that I’m working or that this technically isn’t a vacation doesn’t even matter. Our suite overlooks the city, and I spent the first night in town gazing out at the view. The lights of the city give it an almost mystical feel and it’s hard not to get caught up in the romance of it all.
I should probably be more focused on security and how I’m going to keep Casey safe during the ball on Friday night, but it’s hard not to be a tiny bit giddy. Especially tonight. It turns out that Cooper got me a few hours off and we’re going to dinner. I assumed it would be somewhere nice, but when our driver drops us off adjacent to the Eiffel Tower, I stare at Cooper in confusion.
“What are we doing?” I ask.
He smiles, and I can’t help but take in how handsome he looks in a fitted, gray Armani suit, his blond hair slicked back. “Dinner at the Eiffel Tower,” he replies, sliding an arm around my waist.
“Atthe Eiffel Tower?” I ask, gazing up at it in confusion. “You can do that?”
“I didn’t know you could, either,” he admits, “but I asked Sandor where I could take you for a romantic dinner and someone made the reservation for us.”
I stare at him in awe.
Who is this gorgeous, sexy, romantic man, and how did I get lucky enough to find him? I throw my arms around his neck and press my lips to his. “Thank you,” I whisper. “This is amazing.”
“You’re welcome. Now let’s go.”
We ride a strange funicular-type tram to the first level and step into a beautiful restaurant. “This is incredible,” I breathe, staring out at the lights of the city once again.
“It is,” he agrees.
We’re quiet for a few minutes, waiting for the waiter to pour us each a glass of champagne. Cooper lifts his glass. “A toast,” he says.
I meet his gaze across the table. “What are we drinking to?”
“To options for a bright future.”
“To options,” I say, cocking my head curiously. “Do we know what they are?”
“Well,” he says slowly. “You already know most of them. I could stay in the military. I could retire and go to work for any number of bodyguard and security firms in the U.S. I could join Louie at the NSA. Or…” He breaks off and meets my eyes.
“Or?” I frown.
“I’m considering the opportunity to become a Royal Protector.”
I blink. “You are?”
It takes a few seconds to process what he’s telling me.
“There’s a lot to it,” he continues quietly. “My CO sent me a message that they want to move me over to the training side of things… and while that’s an honor, it’s also boring as fuck. I want to be part of something I can sink my teeth into.”
“Well, as you know, it’s a lifetime commitment. I have to become a Limaji citizen. I’d have to walk away from the marines and my country, and pledge allegiance to a royal family I don’t yet know much about. Not to mention learning another language, and a slew of other things I haven’t had time to think about yet.”
“Itisa lot,” I acknowledge.
I have so many questions, but we still haven’t finished our toast. I clink my glass against his. “This is very exciting,” I say. “Even if you decide not to become a Royal Protector, you’re at a place in life where you can do almost anything. Not many people are afforded opportunities like that.”