Page 55 of Cooper

People aren’t kidding when they say you can do well in the private sector. “Thanks,” I say, when I can finally find my voice. “I appreciate your time.”

“I’ll let you know when I can set up a meeting.”


I turn and head in the opposite direction, still reeling from the conversation. I’d been contemplating a change, but I hadn’t anticipated having something like this fall into my lap so quickly.

But it feels right.

* * *

Sandor setsup the interview for two days later, and we gather in one of the small conference rooms. I’m not easily intimidated, but Erik is a king, Sandor and Daniil are princes, and Joe Westfield a legend in marine circles. Sitting here with the four of them staring at me is a little unnerving. I’m probably more awed than intimidated because it’s not every day you have a job interview with honest-to-goodness royalty.

“I understand you’re interested in learning more about becoming a Royal Protector,” King Erik says to start things off.

“Yes sir,” I reply, nodding. “I have a lot of questions.”

“We’ll answer all of them,” Joe says, “but first we have some questions of our own. As well as things for you to think about.”

“Don’t be offended,” Sandor says, opening the file in front of him, “but we did full background checks on everyone in your unit before we sent Natalia to you.”

I nod.

“I figured the royal family would do something like that.”

“Since we spoke the other day,” he continues, “I dug into your past quite thoroughly.”

I shrug, “I don’t have anything to hide.”

“Obviously there are no red flags, or you wouldn’t even be here,” Joe says. “But from everything we’ve discovered, you appear to be on track to stay in the military until you retire. Does your sudden change of heart have to do with what happened to you in Iraq?”

“That’s a fair question, and the answer is both yes and no. You guys know my friend Louis Faulk. He’s been trying to get me into the NSA for a couple years. But one of the things that’s been on my mind is money. I don’t need a lot because I’ve been deployed most of my career, squirreling away most of what I have. But if I were to get married, start a family, buy a house… Well, my salary isn’t going to go that far. So making a change has been in the back of my mind—I just haven’t had any incentive to do it.”

“Natalia is an amazing young woman,” Erik says, quietly. “But loving her cannot be your reason for becoming a Royal Protector.”

“Absolutely not,” I say firmly. “That’s why I’m here. I understand this would be a huge commitment.”

I think that’s the right answer because I see Sandor and Daniil share a quick look of what appears to be approval.

“What else are you considering?” Joe asks.

“A job with Westfield & Carruthers would allow me to pick and choose assignments so I could fly back and forth, maybe even get some bodyguard work in Europe to keep me closer.”

“If that’s on your mind, why the Protectors?” Daniil asks bluntly.

“I started thinking about becoming a Protector after the first drill, when I’d only been here a few days. The intensity, precision, and dedication are impressive. And I see how devoted everyone is. It’s like a family here, and while I have that with my current unit, from what I hear we’re going to be split up if I go to Hawaii.”

“What happens if things don’t work out between you and Natalia?” Sandor asks bluntly.

“I’m not sure,” I admit, “but I wouldn’t be here if I wasn’t as positive as I could be that this is going to work out.”

“Are you willing to take a bullet for me and my family?” Erik asks.

“Like I told Sandor, I’ve spent the last decade or so willing to take bullets for my country. It feels a lot more meaningful to do it for specific people you like and respect.”

“So far, we like everything we’ve heard,” Sandor says. “But you realize we’re going to talk to Natalia about this as well, right?”

“Absolutely,” I respond. “Just please give me a chance to talk to her about it first. I made reservations to take her to dinner at the Eiffel Tower Thursday night. Joe said it would be okay for us to get away for a couple of hours to do that.”