“Probably six, but he’s not completely out of commission. He can run the surveillance room, help Jonas with cyber security, stuff like that. It’s a good time for him to take the immersive language class to help his Limaji. He’s not at full capacity, but we’ll still utilize him. As you saw yesterday, being down an arm doesn’t slow him down much.”
“I just need you to tell her no,” I say flatly. “Tell her you can’t spare her with Marcus out of commission.”
“Have you talked to her?”
“No. I know she won’t leave my side. She’ll become a mother hen. She’s still dealing with a little bit of PTSD from what happened to Logan.”
“I’m not going to lie to her,” he says. “I can skew the facts to make her feel guilty about leaving us while we’re down a man, but I’m not going to forbid it. You’re not prisoners to this job. She signed a contract and is committed to the Protectors for at least five years, but that doesn’t mean she can’t take a few days off to go meet her boyfriend’s family. That’s not a precedent we want to establish.”
We glare at each other. “Dammit, Sandor.”
“Keeping big secrets this early in a relationship is asking for trouble.”
“I’m trying to protect her!” I throw up my hands.
“I know that. I appreciate it. But you don’t have to throw yourself under a bus. Once you’re one of us, you’re part of the family. And right now, we don’t know anything.”
“My gut—that place deep inside that we call our survival instinct—is screaming at me.”
“So we’ll dig deeper. Ace and Joe are already on it. But for now, don’t do anything rash. For as long as you’re here, we need you.Sheneeds you.”
I know she does.
That’s partly what makes this so hard.
“Yeah. Okay.” I pause. “Are we going to run?”
“Actually, we’re not.” He has what I can only call a shit-eating grin on his face. “We’re going to pay a visit to Nat’s brother-in-law.”
She must have texted him before she fell asleep.
“Oh. Fuck yeah.” I nod. “That sounds like a great way to spend the morning.”
We turn and head for the SUV.
It will feel good to burn off this nervous energy and the fear winding through my gut.
It’s not for me. I can take care of myself.
But Natalia?
These new friends I’ve made?
No, I can’t put them in danger.
If we find out that it’s me these guys are after, I’ll leave Limaj and head back to Germany so I can get on a military transport. I’m stillinthe marines. I haven’t made any decisions, so I can get on a plane there. I’ll tell my commanding officer what’s going on once I’m back in the U.S., and they’ll help me sort this out. I also plan to call Louie as soon as I get a chance, see if he can help with reconnaissance.
“If you want some advice,” Sandor says, bringing me back to the present. “I have some regarding meeting Natalia’s parents.”
“We’re not going to see them,” I say, frowning.
He laughs. “You met her sister, and she named her kid after you. Trust me—you’re going to meet them.”
How does he know every damn thing that happens?
It’s a little unnerving.
“Well, shit.”