Page 60 of Cooper

“Sounds like fun,” he responds, pulling me onto the dance floor.

“This might be the most fun I’ve ever had working,” I whisper.

“Ditto.” He brushes his lips across mine.

I don’t know if kissing is allowed while on duty.

I should probably find out before I do something to embarrass us.



I waketo the sound of muttered curses. Some in English, others in Limaji, but I recognize the nuances of Natalia’s tone. I glance over at where she’s propped up on pillows beside me, and she looks delightfully tousled with her hair a wild halo around her head and her bare breasts peeking out from above the sheet.

“What’s wrong, baby?” I ask, reaching out to put a hand on her thigh.

“My mother,” she says in annoyance.

“Uh oh. What happened?”

“Apparently, pictures from last night’s gala made it to the Limaji newspapers and guess who saw pictures of Limaj’s newest heiress and her American boyfriend dancing?”

“Can’t you just tell her I’m a fellow bodyguard and it was part of our cover for the night?”

“I tried, but your hand is on my ass in the picture, so she doesn’t believe me.”

“I’m sorry, babe. What can I do to fix it?”

“Unless you’re planning to marry me in the next twenty-four hours, I don’t think it’s fixable.”

It’s a little soon to be thinking about marriage, but I feel bad and want to do something to help. “Would it change anything if we pretended to be engaged?” I ask.

She waves an impatient hand. “No, that’s ridiculous. And anyway, that’s so disrespectful to you.”

“It’s not disrespectful for me to do something to make your parents like me.”

“Maybe, but I don’t want to start our relationship based on dishonesty.”

“I think an orgasm would make you feel so much better.”

She laughs. “Probably, but we have to be at brunch in an hour, and I need a shower.”

“Orgasms and showers are not mutually exclusive.” I get out of bed and extend a hand to her. She takes it without hesitation, and we pad into the bathroom together. I turn on the double jets, and we step under the warm spray. She wraps her arms around me and gazes up at me. That’s more temptation than I can resist, and I bend my head to press my lips against hers.

“Getting engaged wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world,” I say softly.

“No,” she agrees, “but when I get engaged I want it to be the real thing. Romance, a proposal, all of that. I don’t want us to just say ‘well, we might get married someday so let’s just throw a ring on your finger to make your parents happy.’”

“I’m just trying to make your life easier, babe.”

“I know, and I appreciate you more than you know.” She runs her hands along my ass and then brings one around front to take hold of my cock.

“Feels like you’re about to show me.”

She strokes her hand up and down in a slow, rhythmic fashion. I back her against the nearest wall and clamp my lips over hers. Our tongues do a dance that seems to match the rhythm of her hand. But I need more. I reach out to cup her ass and lift her off the ground. “Wrap your legs around me, baby.”

“Ryan, your ribs,” she protests as I slide into her.