Page 59 of Cooper

“Like it?” He moves towards me slowly. “Baby, that is the single most gorgeous thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. Second only to seeing you naked.”

My cheeks warm as pleasure washes over me. “Thank you. You look pretty dashing in a tuxedo yourself.”

“Haven’t worn one since senior prom,” he says, “so I’m a little rusty.”

“You’re not rusty,” I say, my voice huskier than I intended. “Not even a little bit.”

We stare at each other for a moment, and I recognize the hunger in his eyes. “We have to go,” I say, quietly.

“Right,” he says, swallowing hard.

“We have tonight,” I whisper. “After, I mean.”

“Yes. Yes, we do.”

He takes my hand, and we step out into the hallway just as Ace and Shannon do. “I love your dress!” Shannon gushes to me.

“Everyone ready?” Joe steps into the hallway looking equally dapper in his black tuxedo.

“Where’s Daniil?” Ace asks, looking around.

“I’m here,” Daniil opens a door and steps out into the hallway with a gorgeous blonde I’ve never seen before on his arm. “Everyone, this is my date for the evening, Princess Alexandra of Bristol Island.”

Brief introductions are made, and Joe looks at his watch. “It’s time to pick up Erik and Casey. Remember, Erik and Casey will enter the ballroom first, followed by Daniil and Princess Alexandra, then Ace and Shannon, followed by Natalia and Cooper. I’ll pull up the rear. I’ll be in the ballroom on and off, but I’ll also be checking in with event security intermittently. If you need me, I’ll be available on comms. Any questions?”

Everyone shakes their heads, and we move down the hall to the Presidential Suite. Joe knocks, and a moment later Erik opens the door. “We need thirty seconds,” he says with a wry smile.

“Forty-five!” Casey’s lilting voice comes through the doorway.

Three minutes later, we’re in the executive elevator heading down to the ballroom.

Security is tight as we step out, but Erik seems completely at ease. He and Casey proceed through a private entrance, and it feels like there’s an explosion of flashbulbs as we walk into the ballroom.

“Jesus,” Cooper mutters under his breath. “Nobody warned me about the paparazzi.”

“Just smile,” I murmur. I slide my hand through his arm and try to look bored as the photographers call out to me. I’m an heiress, so I should be used to this, right? That makes me want to giggle, but I don’t of course. “Cocktail hour is from now until nine. Seating for dinner is at nine.”

“Why do rich people eat so late?” he murmurs in my ear.

“I wish I knew,” I respond.

A waiter approaches us with a tray of champagne flutes, but I shake my head. Protocol states that we cannot drink anything that isn’t poured from a bottle that’s opened in front of us when we’re at this type of event.

“Won’t it look weird that we’re not drinking?” Cooper asks me under his breath.

“Daniil will have a bartender open a brand-new bottle and pour glasses for all of us. Typically, one glass is the limit for when we’re working anyway, so savor it.”

He nods. “Understood.”

As promised, Daniil arrives a few minutes later with two glasses of champagne for us. “Try to look like you’re having fun,” he says, winking as he walks away.

“Are we allowed to dance?” Cooper asks me.

“Absolutely,” I respond. “Do you dance?”

“I can slow dance,” he says with a chuckle. “Though I’m not sure I can figure out a waltz or a tango.”

“If you like, I can teach you how to waltz at some point. I haven’t mastered the tango yet either.”