This time I’m the one who’s surprised because she cocks her head and there’s a playful smile on her face. “You realize that you’re asking me to make a major decision about a relationship with a man who’s only made love to me once.”
I arch my brows. “Is that a complaint, Ms. Farkas?”
She gives me a tiny little half-shrug. “Just pointing out a fact.”
“Sitting on my face doesn’t count?”
“Itcounts…but it’s like sex lite, not sex-sex.”
“I see.” I slowly pull my T-shirt over my head. Still hurts a little, but not as bad as before. It’ll be another six-to-eight weeks before the ribs are fully healed, but I wasn’t planning to wait that long. Even if she hadn’t said something.
“You’re going to have to take the lead,” I continue, sliding my shorts off.
“Cooper, it was a joke,” she says, though her eyes are glittering. “I mean, I want to very much, but not if it’s going to hurt you. I was being silly to?—”
“—to add a little levity to a serious topic. I know exactly what you were doing. But you’re right. Making love—actual intercourse—is a different emotional connection and obviously you need that. As do I. You’ll just have to be on top because I think it’ll be another setback for the ribs if I take charge.”
“No setbacks,” she says firmly.
“Get undressed, baby.”
“I don’t want to hurt you.”
“All I have to do is lie here.” I make a hurry-up motion with my hands. “Besides, it’s past time for this.”
“Should we finish our conversation?” she murmurs, sliding off her pajama shorts.
“We will,” I promise, watching as she undresses.
She’s beautiful.
Perfect in my eyes.
The first time I met her I’d been almost starstruck by her big, soulful eyes and breathtaking smile. The more I got to know her, the more intrigued I became, but as her commanding officer I knew better than to make a move.
I’d never been happier than when she took the reins.
And tonight she’s as breathtaking as that first time I saw her. I don’t know what’s different, because I’ve seen her naked almost every day since I’ve been here, even if we haven’t been intimate like this since Iraq. Yet I’m mesmerized tonight.
The light glistening off her chestnut hair.
The way her lithe body moves as she crawls across the bed to me.
Her impish grin as our eyes meet.
“You’ll have to give me a moment,” she says in a husky whisper. “But there’s something I’ve been meaning to do first.” She runs a hand up one of my thighs and then dips her head.
Oh, fuck.
“Baby, I thought?—”
“Yes, I want that too. But this… I’ve been dreaming about sucking your cock since we met. I used to pleasure myself in Iraq imagining myself on my knees in front of you, and you fucking my mouth.”
All I can do is groan.
I’ve had that same fantasy many times.
She nuzzles my crotch and tickles her fingers along the top of my groin. I wish I’d had time for some manscaping lately, but she doesn’t seem to mind. She kisses a trail up along the underside of my cock, keeping her touch light.