“You could have killed me,” I point out.
“And I would have.” He’s suddenly serious. “We don’t play around with intruders. And Lita hasn’t met you yet, so we need to rectify that with the staff. They know Natalia has a guest, but they haven’t all seen your face. We should probably circulate a picture. It just makes things easier.”
“Whatever you think.”
“Good morning.” Joe and Sandor look up in surprise as we walk into the surveillance room.
“I found a stray,” Erik says, “who wandered into the apartment and scared the hell out of Lita.”
Sandor grimaces. “Did she get you with the frying pan?”
I pretend to shudder. “No. Erik almost shot me, but that sounds preferable to a frying pan.”
“Cast iron,” Joe adds. “It wouldn’t be pretty.”
“The plan is to learn my way around so this doesn’t happen again,” I say.
“Well, I have some calls to make, so I’ll leave you in these capable hands,” Erik says. “And we’ll figure out a time to have dinner.”
“Thank you.” I watch him disappear around the corner and then groan.
“Jesus. That is not the impression I wanted to make on my girlfriend’s boss.”
Sandor shrugs. “Technically, I’m her boss, so you’re okay. Unless Erik decides he wants you beheaded.”
I make a face. “That’s okay as long as it doesn’t reflect badly on Natalia.”
Joe shakes his head. “We walk a line here between hardcore diligence when it comes to safety and low-key when it comes to personal relationships, friendships, and how we behave with Erik when we’re off-duty, so to speak. It was an honest mistake. This is the first time we’ve had actual guests on the floor where most of the Protectors live, and we should have thought to warn you about the direct elevator.”
“Isn’t Natalia normally with Casey?” I ask in confusion.
“Yes, but Erik went home for lunch today, so she went to run an errand for me. She’ll be back in a little while.”
“Look, if you have a map, I can find my way around. I just wanted to wander because I’m bored out of my fucking mind. Mark where I’m not allowed to go, and I’ll steer clear.”
“Nothing is off-limits except the private residences,” Sandor says. “The king’s, mine, etc. If you walk into the kitchen, someone will try to feed you. If you wander into the laundry room, they’ll be confused but they’ll smile and hand you towels. Garage is expansive and the guard and mechanic down there will probably tell you that you don’t have permission to take a car.” He shrugs. “So really, there isn’t a lot of trouble you can get into beyond private residences. Because I promise you Lennox will shoot first, ask questions later.”
I nod. “Understood.”
Joe hands me a map and shows me where we are, as well as where Natalia’s room is, so I have some perspective. I study it and then nod. “I think I’m going to head to the gardens. Is that okay? I’m not used to being inside so much.”
“Sure. You might see some of the preschool-age kids—their teacher takes them outside when it’s nice, but otherwise, it’s peaceful. Don’t wander into the woods until you’ve learned your way around. Not because it’s dangerous, but there are guards and it’ll turn into a whole thing.”
“Great. Thank you. Sorry to have been a problem.”
“You’re not a problem.” Joe smiles. “We’re happy to have a friendly face around. I’m usually off on Wednesdays, so as you’re feeling better I’d love to play a round of golf or head into the city for a beer. I don’t get out much.”
“Sounds good.” I stuff the map in my pocket and head for the elevator again.
I’ve had about all the excitement I can handle today.
A walk outside sounds great.
Then I’ll be ready for my nap.
Just thinking the word nap makes me want to cringe.