Page 41 of Cooper

“Oh, but I do. So, listen up because we only have about six minutes before Levi realizes how late it is and how tired he is and starts to melt down.” She puts her hands on her hips. “As far as what you need to know: One. You know he wants to be here because he could have lied and said he didn’t have permission. Two. You know he really likes you because… that whole sex in Iraq thing, which was totally against the rules, and also, see number one. And finally, number three—from what you described, the moment you admitted you didn’t want him to leave, he did what men do to show you not just what they want, but whatyouwant. And now—” Levi lets out a wail as he drops a toy car on his foot, and Casey scoops him up without losing her train of thought. “—my toddler is ready for bed.”

“Wow, I should have stayed in the tunnels.” Erik comes in through the front door, and Casey gives him a dirty look.

“Did you seriously use the elevator?”

His eyes widen innocently as he reaches for Levi. “Of course not, dear. I took the stairs just like you did. Now, let me get my little prince into the bath.” He hurries down the hall and Casey and I both burst out laughing.



I fall asleepthe moment I get back to the room, forgetting all about dinner and the conversation Natalia and I didn’t have a chance to finish. Rushing out of here, the slide, and then the stairs back—although I got to use the elevator once we were back in the main part of the palace—wore me out. I don’t even recall waking up when she eventually joined me in bed.

She left me a note, though, telling me she would be back to have lunch together if I felt up to it.

I realize it’s almost eleven thirty, so I drag myself out of bed to shower, shave, and clean up a little. I feel grungy all the time, which isn’t like me, but fuck, I’m so tired and sore. I’m not real thrilled about the tooth I’m missing either. I saw a dentist both in Germany and since I’ve been here, and both say I can get a bridge or an implant once the gums heal. The implant is more permanent, but the bridge requires less healing time and will happen faster, so that’s the way I’m leaning.

I’ve just pulled on clean sweats when Natalia comes in.

“Hi.” She smiles at me.

“Hey, beautiful.” I walk over and press my lips to hers.

It wasn’t meant to be a precursor to sex, but the minute we touch I can’t seem to stop myself from kissing her like our lives depend on it.

“I don’t have time,” she whispers against my mouth as she pulls away. “I’m sorry.”

“Shit. I’m the one who’s sorry. I attacked you the minute you came in.”

“Believe me, I like it. Save some for tonight.”

“I will.”

We stay that way, with my arms around her, her lean, warm body pressed against mine, for a minute or so before there’s a knock on the door.

“I ordered lunch,” she explains. She opens the door and takes a tray from someone. “Just soup and sandwiches because I really only have about twenty minutes.”

I help her set up on her desk.

“You know under normal circumstances, twenty minutes would be plenty of time,” I tease.

She laughs. “I’m sure it would, but I have something to ask you.”

“Shoot.” I sink into a chair and take a bite of the sandwich she brought me, which is delicious.

“How would you like to escort me to a black-tie ball next month?”

I arch my brows. “I’d love to. I don’t have a tux, though.”

“We’ll take care of that. It’s a work event for me, I’ll be on duty with the queen, but they like us to stay casual during events held at events outside the palace.”

“Where is it being held?”

“In Paris.” Her eyes twinkle. “And I’ve never been.”

“Me either.” I grin back. “I’m looking forward to spending an evening with you wearing grown-up clothes.”

“Me too.” She looks incredibly excited. “And Casey’s going to buy me a gown.”