“I’m just tired, to be honest.”
“Okay. I’ll be right back.”
I use the bathroom and wash my hands and face. She comes in with my toiletry bag as I finish up. Once everything is done, she helps me back to the bed. I manage to get my shirt off and step out of my pants. She’s pulled the covers back and I slide between cool, crisp sheets.
“Sleep, Cooper,” she whispers against my ear.
“You too,” I whisper back.
She crawls in beside me and then I’m out.
Cooper sleepsfor more than two days. He gets up to use the restroom and I force a couple of bowls of soup and a few bottles of water into him, but other than that, he sleeps for fifty-six hours. I was a little worried at first, but the palace doctor told me his body is healing and rest is the best thing for him. So I worked, hovered, and slept beside him. Strangely enough, on his third morning here, he’s awake when my alarm goes off.
“Are you actually awake?” I ask, looking over at him.
“I am.” He nods. “And I feel like a new man. What’s your schedule today?”
“Workout, shower, daily briefing, then guard duty with the queen.”
“Can I come with you for any of it?”
“Why don’t you come with me to work out and you can talk to Joe. Maybe you can hang with us at the morning briefing—there’s usually breakfast.”
“I need a quick shower. I’ve been in bed three days.”
“I was getting worried about you,” I admit, running my hand over his chest. “The doctor said you were okay, but I’ve never seen anyone sleep so long.”
“I haven’t slept so well or so deeply in… a long time.”
Our eyes meet and understanding passes between us. “Me either.”
Twenty minutes later we walk into the gym. I’m a few minutes late, but I waited for Cooper, and though he’s doing a lot better, he’s still moving slower than usual.
“Welcome!” Joe looks up from an exercise bike with a friendly wave. “Good to see you up and around.”
“Thanks.” Cooper nods. “Good to be here. I’m probably just going to walk a little today. Doctors told me to take it slow.”
“And you will,” I tell him. “I’ll make sure of it.”
He chuckles. “Yes, ma’am.”
I get on the treadmill and start to jog. I keep hoping Lennox will be back soon because she always pushes me to be better, stronger, and faster. She makes a great trainer, but until she’s back from maternity leave, I have to make do on my own. Some of the other women who live at the palace, including Casey, come down sometimes, but not today.
Instead, King Erik is here, along with most of the Protectors.
I pick up my pace, finding my rhythm as I watch Cooper chatting with the guys.
I run for thirty minutes and finally slow to a walk before moving to the exercise bar. I’ve been working on upper body strength, and while it’s a lot better, I still have less than I’d like. I grip the bar and do the first pull-up. God, these are hard. I manage a second, a third, and then pause, catching my breath.
“You’re doing great,” Cooper calls, watching me. We’d done this in Iraq too. “You couldn’t even do one six months ago.”
“I know.” I do another pull-up, grimacing as my arms start to shake.
“Come on, let’s get to ten,” Sandor says, jumping up and grabbing the bar beside me.