Page 23 of Cooper

I smile. This is another great thing about Casey—she’s genuinely my friend. Not because she has to be, but because she somehow learned to walk the fine line between royalty and commoner. “Captain Ryan Cooper. The hottest marine on the planet.”

Casey grins. “Better looking than Xander or just better looking to you because you did all the naughty stuff?” Xander’s good looks are a big joke around the palace ever since we found out he’d modeled for several years when he was younger.

“We dida littlenaughty stuff,” I say, laughing. “Nothing happened until after my final duty shift, so I’m hoping for much more naughtiness in the future. As for his looks, he’s probably just better looking to me since Xander is married and unavailable, but Cooper is quite handsome. Blue eyes, square jaw, great body…” I sigh, sinking into a chair. “He wants to come spend time with me while he’s recovering.”

“I know. Erik told me. Why don’t you sound happy?”

“I don’t know what the point is!” I say, throwing up my hands. “He’s amazing, but he’s being transferred to Hawaii once he’s back on active duty. I’m not leaving Limaj, and he’s probably not leaving the marines. So what’s the point?”

“That sounds like something you could talk about once you’re together.”

“You think I should let him come and at least have the conversation before I write him off?”

Casey cocks her head, bright blue eyes filled with curiosity. “You sound like a woman afraid to get involved again after a tragedy.”

“It’s not about Logan.”

“Then what’s it about?”

“Cooper. He’s…” I pause, trying to find the right words in English. “I don’t know exactly what he is… all I can tell you is he does things to me. When he touches me, when he looks at me… our connection is so intense.”

“It sounds romantic and sexy.”

“It’s complicated and frustrating.”

“Love always is. Anyway, I’m looking forward to meeting him.”

“You’re going to embarrass me, aren’t you?” I groan.

“Don’t be ridiculous.” Casey tickles Levi’s feet, and he giggles. “But I’m definitely going to invite the two of you to dinner so I can check him out.”

I make a face at her. “And I’m guessing I can’t say no.”

Casey laughs. “No. Probably not.”

“That’s not fair.”

“Who told you life was fair?” She scoops up Levi and puts him in my lap. “Hold him—I have to pee.”

“Yes, ma’am.” I laugh and kiss the baby.

There are days when I love my job.



The two daysafter Natalia leaves consist of so much poking, prodding, and testing I would have done almost anything to get out of the hospital. I’m gratefulas fuckto be the hell out of Iraq, but this is making me crazy. They want me to rest and heal but wake me up every two hours to take blood, check my blood pressure, feed me, talk to me, or send me for some new test. More than anything, I want to sleep more than a couple of hours at a time. I want a bigger, softer bed. I definitely want better food, and more than all the other things put together, I want Natalia.

I ask when I can get out of here every day, but the doctors aren’t giving me straight answers. I’ve been debriefed and updated on what happened, but no one seems very forthcoming about responding to what happened, and I’m not in a position to get more information. Seghin is already on his way back to the States while I’m trying to get permission to go to Limaj, but it feels like I’m being stonewalled.

“Hey, man.” The knock on the door makes me look up, and I motion for the visitor to come in.

“What’s up?” I hold out my hand to Landon “Grim” Grimshaw, and he shakes it.

“How are you feeling?”

“I’m ready to blow this popsicle stand.”