Page 17 of Cooper

I go into the bathroom and change, putting my hair up and sliding my feet into a pair of slippers. I came prepared to stay at the hospital with Cooper, no matter how small or uncomfortable it is, but it actually sounds nice to crawl into bed with him. Even if we can’t do anything and I have to be careful of his ribs.

He’s dozing when I come back into the room, but he holds out a hand and I take it. I manage to wiggle into the small hospital bed, lying on my side so I don’t put any weight on him. He dims the lights, and we both seem to relax despite the cramped quarters.

“I never thought I’d touch you again,” he says in the semi-darkness, one hand resting on my hip. “Your face was all I saw when I closed my eyes. Thinking about you got me through it, Nat.”

“I was so scared,” I whisper back. “I didn’t know what was going on, but I couldn’t lose you. I couldn’t…”

“I’m sorry you had to go through it again, but I’m here.”

I rest my head on his shoulder. “I missed you.”

“I missed you too.”

I relax, the stress, tension, and heartache of the last few months practically draining out of me. And for the first time in months, I sleep.

* * *

The early morninghustle and bustle of the hospital wakes us, and I wince as I turn over. I fell asleep nestled against Cooper’s chest and now I have a crick in my neck, but it’s worth it. I don’t know what time it is, but I slept well, so I smile at the nurse who comes in.

“That doesn’t look comfortable,” the woman says, smiling back. “But a hot shower might help.”

“Yes, thank you.” I slowly get up, stretching my neck and shoulders.

“Morning.” Cooper opens his eyes and shifts a little.

“You need help getting to the bathroom?” the nurse asks.

Cooper seems to hesitate but then nods. “Yeah. I guess.”

“I’ll help you.” I slide my feet into my slippers and hold out a hand to him. He takes it, grimacing as he slowly lifts to his feet. He hates showing weakness, which is why I figure it will be easier on his ego if I help him instead of the nurse.

We take the few steps into the bathroom, and I lean against the wall. “I’ve already seen it all,” I say, giving him an impish grin. “So go ahead and do your thing.”

He grins back, shaking his head. “That’s my ballsy Natalia, trying to hang on to my masculinity for me, huh? Don’t worry, baby, I’m good. I know this is temporary.”

“Temporary or not, hurry up because I have to pee too.”

He laughs and takes care of business, washing his face and hands while I do my thing as well. Then we hobble back into the room where I get him settled in bed before grabbing clean clothes out of my bag. The nurse told me where I could shower so I go to do that while she checks Cooper’s vitals, takes blood, and whatever else they have planned for him.

I take a quick but hot shower and put on clean jeans and a T-shirt. I pull on socks and slide my feet into my boots. I didn’t bring a hair dryer, but it can dry naturally, so I put on a little makeup, gather up my things, and head back to Cooper’s room.

Breakfast just arrived, and he thoughtfully ordered something for me, so we sit and eat without talking.

“You slept,” he says after a while.

“I did.”

“No, I mean, you slept hard. You told me you hadn’t been sleeping but last night you did. And I did too.”

“I’ve been worried about you, so it makes sense that I would sleep now that I know you’re okay.”

His eyes meet mine. “That’s part of it, but you weren’t sleeping even before I got captured. And yet you slept last night. With me.”

“Well, so did you.” I’m not sure what he’s getting at. There’s something between us, but we already knew that, so what is he trying to say?

“I’m not prepared to live eight thousand miles away from you, Nat.”
