“You’re punishing yourself.” His eyes meet mine as someone comes in with trays of food.
The food is basic, but it doesn’t matter because I haven’t had much appetite in a long time. Maybe Iamsubconsciously punishing myself, but I can’t control my appetite or insomnia, so I don’t know what to say about it. Instead, I nibble on salad, chicken, and mashed potatoes, giving Cooper what I can’t finish since he seems to be starving.
We finish eating, and I move our trays to the counter by the door before sitting in the chair next to his bed again.
“Wanna go see the boys?” he asks after a few minutes. “You can push me in a wheelchair. I think they’d like to see you.”
“Okay.” I go to the door and look up and down the hallway until I see a wheelchair. I go get it and bring it into the room. I help him into it and then push him down a few corridors.
“In there,” he says, pointing. I turn the way he directs, and we go into a room. Before I can say or do anything, an extremely pregnant woman about my age whirls around, hands on her hips.
“God dammit, Cooper, you almost got him killed!” The woman is pissed.
“Now, Mary, darlin’, you know it wasn’t—” Leo tries to talk but she holds up a finger, effectively cutting him off.
“Mary, I understand you want to take a swing at me,” Cooper says with a fond smile, “but you think you could wait until these ribs heal?”
Mary’s face softens as she looks down at him. She reaches out to cup his cheek, shaking her head. “Oh, Coop, what did they do to you guys?”
“Just a little scuffle in the desert. You know how it goes.”
“This baby needs a daddy.” She rubs her hand over her belly. “And I need a husband.”
“We’re fine, babe.” Leo’s voice is gentle, as if he’d said the words many times before. “We’re all okay.”
Mary sighs. “This time.” She spots me and frowns slightly. “Oh my god, are you Natalia?”
My eyes widen. How on earth did she recognize me? Had Leo told her about me? And in what capacity?
“Yes, I’m Natalia.”
“I’ve heard so much about you.” Mary smiles and holds out her hand. “The guys talked about you so much I almost got jealous. Almost. I know my Leo loves me, and now that I see how Coop looks at you…it all makes sense.”
I’m not sure what to say to that but smile and shake her hand anyway.
“I’m just glad the guys are okay,” I say quietly.
“She’s beautiful, Coop,” Mary says to Cooper as if I’m not standing right here. “I hope you’re not going to let this one get away.”
“Easy, Marine Wife,” he teases, chuckling. “Let me heal up a little before you send me off on the next mission.”
I don’t understand their inside jokes and easy banter, but it’s comfortable and friendly, so I lean against the wall, watching as they talk and laugh. Every so often, Cooper looks over at me, his bright blue eyes burning with intensity, but I’m not sure what it means. I love his eyes, though. So beautifully blue. With those long, dark lashes. They melt my heart and get me damp in my nether regions.
He looks tired right now, though, and Mary and I exchange a knowing look.
“You look wiped, Coop,” Mary says. “Go get some shut-eye. I’ll be right here holding down the fort.”
“I’m a fun date, right?” Cooper asks a few minutes later as I help him back into bed. “Hospital food and bedtime by eight.”
I smile. “It’s okay. I’m happy to sit here and watch you sleep.”
“You could crawl in here and cuddle with me,” he says, motioning to the six-inch spot beside him.
“I’m in pretty good shape, but I’m notthatsmall.”
He scoots to one side, increasing the empty space by a few inches. “Come lie with me, Natalia. Just for a little bit.”
I reach out and gently brush my fingers over his bruised face. “Let me change into sweats and a T-shirt. I’ll be right back.”