His words fill me with sadness.
I truly don’t know what I’m going to do.
Not personally, professionally, or even romantically.
The weird thing is the thought of leaving is even more terrifying than staying.
And until I can sort that out, I’m no good to anyone.
It’slike deja fucking vu all over again.
Giving myself up in exchange for him leaving my mother alone was a no-brainer, but fuck, I’m not prepared to go through this shit again.
This time, at least, I’m in a chair instead of hanging by my arms, but it’s equally uncomfortable with my arms painfully behind my back. My ribs are healed but with my arms pulled back so tightly, they’re achy and sore, making it hard to breathe.
Knowing my mom—and my friends back in Limaj—are safe is enough to keep me grounded, though. Whatever he’s going to do to me, I can handle. Louie knew where I was going so when I stood him up, he would have gone to my mom’s. From there, he’ll bring in the cavalry.
Of course, finding me might be a problem.
Or maybe not.
I’m many things, but stupid isn’t one of them.
Sandor had a tracker installed under the skin on my ass just before I left. The battery life is unreliable, but it’s only been two days so I should be good. If they can get here before this asshole kills me, I’ll be okay.
This was always the plan.
Sandor and Joe are pretty meticulous when it comes to safety, and while they understood that I had to leave for everyone’s protection, they also were determined not to let me go without a plan. So I’m not overly worried.
Tired, sore, and annoyed? Absolutely.
Worried? Only a little.
“Do you know where she is?” Yusef finally comes into the room where he left me tied up all night.
“We’ve already had this conversation,” I reply. “They didn’t tell us where they went. We only helped them leave Baghdad.”
He backhands me.
God dammit, if he does something to fuck up the bridge I’m in the process of getting to replace the last tooth he destroyed, I’m going to be even more pissed.
“The woman you seduced and whose head you filled with your American ideals? She was my wife. Carrying my son. You took them from me.”
I hadn’t seduced or done anything inappropriate with Fatima, but I’d helped her get out of the country. It was my honor to get Fatima and the others out of there. I thought she was safe, living in the U.S. with a new name, new lease on life.
“I don’t know where Fatima is.”
Here we go again.
At least I know what I’m dealing with now.
“You have no right to say her name!” He looks pretty unhinged, and I wonder who this guy is that he has the resources to chase me across three continents.