She felt like she’d done something wrong, and dipped under the water so she didn’t look as dazed as she felt. When she came up, Cam and River were laughing as they swam closer. Dylan’s head popped up not too far away, and she averted her eyes before he could read her expression.

“I can’t believe you screamed like that,” Cam taunted lovingly.

River’s cheeks were pink, and not just from the sunburn they likely all had. “Shut up. It was really high.”

“Are you afraid of heights?” Ashley asked, taking her seat on the rock again.

If either of them had noticed the compromising position she’d been in, they didn’t mention it, and she tried to convince her pulse to return to normal.

“Maybe a little,” River said, decidedly pouty, and it was so cute she felt a pang in her chest.

“I thought you were just nervous!” she cried, afraid she’d put him in an awkward position. “You were very brave, if that helps,” she said, and tried not to laugh at his dry look.

“Don’t patronize me,” he drawled, and Ashley chuckled before grabbing his hand and pulling him up onto the rock next to her. His thigh brushed hers, skin to skin, and it was like anelectric shock, despite how thoroughly she’d mapped his back just a bit ago.

“Yeah, that’s my job,” Dylan said, and floated over beside Cameron.

“It was fun, though, wasn’t it?” she asked, and she could still feel Dylan’s lips against hers, a lick of warmth in her stomach. He was acting totally normal. She was trying to. Was she managing? Was it obvious?

Did Dylan even care?

“I’d do it again,” Cameron said, and Ashley arched a brow, pushing her troubling thoughts away.

“The hike and all?” she asked. “How are your feet?”

“Oh, I’m going to be incredibly sore tomorrow. You’ll just have to go easy on me,” he said, matter of fact.

Ashley grinned evilly. “You mean you don’t enjoy the feeling of your sore muscles screaming at every move you make?”

He winced. “Not particularly.”

“You’re a masochist, confirmed,” River interjected.

Ashley shrugged. She loved feeling her muscles burn, knowing that she was pushing herself further.

“You don’t like jelly legs?” she questioned.

Cam smirked. “Only from an orgasm.”

Ashley’s mouth popped open in surprise while River snorted, looking particularly proud of himself, and she rolled her eyes.

Wouldn’t know what that was like,she said to herself.

Most people she hooked up with were intimidated by her, an alpha, and rarely did she come away from an encounter with shaky legs. They expected her to take charge, which was hot when she was in the mood, but sometimes Ashley wanted to be the one thrown around, not doing the throwing.

Anyway… what were they talking about?

Ashley kicked her legs in the water, and tilted her face up to the sun.

“We’re at the bottom of the waterfall,” she said, knocking an elbow into River.

“I like the way you think,” he practically purred, and he sounded so attractive Ashley’s cheeks flamed.

Chills sprinkled over her skin, and she told herself it was from the sun she’d gotten, the contrast of it with the cool water.

“Hold on, I’ll grab the stash,” River said.

He clumsily clamored over the rocks and walked over to their pile of stuff, rummaging through one of their bags.