“I smell that,” she told him, and tapped her nose.
He shrugged, his smile reaching his slightly glazed eyes, and Ashley couldn’t help but chuckle.
Cameron slipped out of the booth next and he followed River’s lead, enveloping her in a hug. She returned it, andamongst honeyed vanilla, she smelled the same musky weed on him.
“It’s weird seeing you outside the gym,” he said, and pulled back. “It’s a good look on you.”
Ashley plucked at the hem of her dress and shrugged. “Thanks. This is the only dress I own, so. I’m glad I never threw it out.”
River and Cameron shuffled in next to each other, so that left Ashley on the other side of Cameron.
Dylan was… standing next to the table?
“What are you doing?” she asked, motioning to the empty seat.
“I’m the bodyguard,” Dylan reminded them.
Even Cameron rolled his eyes. “Have a damned seat, Dylan. No one at this restaurant is going to rush the table.”
“You don’t know that,” Dylan returned, but eyed the empty spot by Ashley.
Just to be a little shit, she patted it and made big, round eyes at him.
His gaze narrowed, as if he knew her game, but he dropped into his seat, shooting a paranoid glance at the rest of the venue.
The low-lit chandelier draped with flowers over their table was far too intimate, and Ashley suddenly realized that she was on what some would call a dinner date.
Especially in this type of setting. With other packs around them.
Was it warm in here?
Ashley pushed her hair off her shoulders, but it did little to help the warmth, since she was squeezed in between two of the most handsome men.
Remember, this is casual.
Yeah, right.
Maybe Dylan was right and this was a bad idea.
Seeing Ashley almost every day was hindering him enough, his crush growing every time she pinned him to the mat.
But here, now, in this restaurant with the romantic lighting and thatdresson her frame?
The way the fabric hugged her curves and showed off her muscles at the same time?
She looked beautiful. Elegant. Gorgeous. And not a single person who dared gaze at her as she passed knew how strong she was.
But Cameron did.
He felt downright faint, and it had nothing to do with the way he and River had hotboxed the bathroom like a couple of teens before Dylan drove them.
That was the effect of River. The beta kept Cameron from growing into just another bitter movie star. Instead he kept him young and excited for… well, everything.
The Ashley effect?