“Hey, why do they get a room?” someone asked, and Dylan turned, the aggression in the voice putting him on alert.
Ashley was beside him in a flash, hiding Cameron from view.
The alpha who’d spoken—a big, muscled meat of a man—glared at their group and took a step forward.
Dylan tensed, but Ashley stepped up. “You must be new here. I’m the manager,” Ashley said calmly. Too calmly. Her scent flared, spicy ginger filling the air.
Dylan clocked the exits, then watched Nic eying the situation from the desk, seemingly unconcerned.
“Oh, yeah? Is that all? A little name tag?” he mocked, leaving behind his bench and approaching.
“Donottake another step,” Ashley barked, her voice low and dangerous but the command landing all the same. Even Dylan’s muscles seized at the demand.
The other alpha grunted, the veins in his neck protruding obnoxiously as he was forced to obey. His face went red with rage.
“You little bitch,” he bit out, and flung a pointed finger over her shoulder at Cameron, who was oozing stress behind them. “Just because he’s an omega, he gets special treatment?”
“I think you should mind your own business. Go back to your set,” Ashley told him—far too kindly, in Dylan’s opinion.
This was Ashley’s territory; he wouldn’t step in unless necessary.
With the bark released by her suggestion, the alpha took his chance. Spittle flew as he growled, and Dylan tensed, but he didn’t even need to act.
A lot of things happened at once.
The angry alpha trying to prove himself rushed forward.
Ashley calmly waited until he was within reach and jabbed her hand forward to hit him in the throat, which made him cough and sputter. Then she slammed her elbow into his stomach and tossed him over her shoulder like an empty wrapper instead of an alpha twice her size.
Dylan swelled pride, a purr spilling out of his lips.
Behind him, Cameron whined, his scent sweetening with arousal.
Dylan stepped back, seeking his gaze, and as their gazes locked, they stopped both sounds.
When he turned, Ashley was barking down at the alpha. “I suggest you get your things and find another gym. You’re no longer welcome here. Now, have I put you in your place enough, or do you want to go for round two?”
The alpha’s face was still red, still angry, but he was holding his throat and… nodded.
“Good,” Ashley spat with one last grumble, and pushed up from the ground.
She stood at the mouth of the hallway, in front of Dylan, protective and fierce and such analphathat Dylan couldn’t separate the pride and arousal coursing through him.
Dylan stepped back and pulled the door to the room open, ushering Cameron inside. His pheromones were sweeter than usual and it was filling the hall. “Inside,” Dylan said.
He glanced to see Ashley still standing strong, and watched her wrap things up. The alpha gathered his things and did the walk of shame. He didn’t even pause at the door to turn in his key card.
That was when Dylan noticed River, eyes wide, at the display. He moved out of the way, giving the angry alpha a wide berth.
With a huff, Ashley brushed her hair back and motioned for River to join them.
They finally entered the room together, and the tension was so thick you could’ve cut it with a knife.
“Sorry about that,” Ashley said. “Rest assured Nic’s already deactivated his key card. That guy won’t be back.”
“Okay, fine, I’ll say it,” Cameron said, throwing his hands up. “That was so hot!”
Ashley’s cheeks flared, and Dylan caught the twitch of her lips. “I’ve just got to get the mats—hold on,” she said, and made her way across the room, avoiding eye contact with any of them.