“But she’s different?” River guessed, and a light bulb went off in Cam’s head.

“Oh.Oh,” Cam said eloquently. “I mean, yeah. Ashley’s cool. She’s awkward sometimes, and I find that charming. Refreshing.”

“That all?” River said.

Cameron rolled his eyes. “I know what you’re getting at.”

“Do you?” River asked. “You have that look in your eyes.”

“What look?”

“You know,” River said, and waved his tattooed arm and hand at Cam. “The one you get when you read a script you really like. Or when your favorite Indian food truck has samosas.”

Cam’s eyes fluttered shut, and he let his head fall back as he groaned indesperateneed. “Christ, I would kill for a samosa right now.”

“Don’t change the subject,” River said, though his eyes had darkened just the way Cam liked to see.

“Fine. Yes. Ashley is, like, very cool and intimidating andhotand she can kick my ass. So.”

“Classic Cam bait,” River mused. “Does she know you’re into her?”

They hadn’t talked about it, about what they’d do if Cam wanted a pack one day, if he found someone else he was interested in. Hell, trying to keep River a secret was hard enough.

“Of course not,” Cam said. “She’s my trainer, and I get the vibe that she’s very serious about her job. I think she’d take the client-something rules to heart.”

“Dylan doesn’t apply to those rules,” River said, and Cameron’s gaze shot to him as his stomach flopped.


“The way she was glancing at Dylan all day? There is something totally unresolved there.”

“Oh,” Cam said, relaxing again. “Definitely. Dylan’s tight-lipped about it, but there’s history for sure.”

“Do you think they dated? Hooked up?”

Cam shook his head. “No—I feel like if it was something as simple as that, they would’ve worked it out already. I think this goes deeper.”

River hummed. “Are you willing to get all caught up in that?”

“You’re talking so seriously about this when she doesn’t even know I have a crush,” Cam said, suddenly nervous. “It doesn’t have to be a…thing.It can be… casual.”

River’s lips twitched. “Alphas and omegas don’t really do casual. You know that. Besides, casual worked out so well for us, hmm?”

They’d met on set, and had started out as a fling, a way to blow off some steam between shoots. Low commitment, no pressure—until Cam realized what a big heart River had, and nestled right up.

Cam pressed up into his palm before throwing a leg over River’s waist and straddling him. “It worked very well, didn’t it?” Cam asked, daring him to say otherwise.

“So that’s your play, huh?” River teased. “Be sweet and adorable and fuckable until she folds?”

“Worked on you,” Cam mused, and shifted his hips until their groins were nudging together. He’d felt high ever since the sparring with Ashley, and it had nothing to do with the joint he and River had smoked once they’d gotten home. Now it was melting into something warmer, stirring low in his gut. “It can’t be that terrible a plan.”

Cam’s hands rested on River’s sternum, a chaste touch despite it all, at least until River propped his knees up, jostling Cam forward.

He smoothly planted a hand on either side of River’s head, heat striking sharp as they were pressed together.

“I missed you,” Cameron said softly.

“I could tell,” River said, tugging him close, hands smoothing down his sides, over the loose tank he still wore from the gym. “We need to be more careful. I got a talk from Dylan about it.”